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Happy Birthday, Romashka!


My real friend. Very calm, confident and obedient, she helps me to relieve some stress and relax during our walks in the forest or in the field. She accompanies me on many trips.
We set this day as her birthday ourselves. Because we didn't really know when she was born. That was the day we met ... More precisely, the night ... Cold and dark. And the unfortunate sick dog walking in front of the car. She didn't even try to step aside. It seemed that she didn't care anymore. Very emaciated with two huge tumors and no one else needs ...


Then operations and a long postoperative recovery began. More precisely ... feeding began first ... Because the dog was so emaciated that the vet would not have dared to give her anesthesia. Only after she got a little stronger and gained weight did we decide on an operation.


Gradually she realized that she now had a home again. As we learned later, her owner died, and her son simply drove the dog out.


At first, on walks, she categorically refused to leave the car. I tried to convince her that I would never leave her, but she didn’t believe. And only gradually, very slowly, she began to realize that the bad period of her life was left behind.


I hope that she will be with me for many more years! And of course, she received delicious gifts today. 😉

And... ooops... It seems we'll have more birthdays in January!😉


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