[Eng-esp] Cafe un perro que nadie adoptó//Coffe a dog that noboby adopted


Hola amigos de Hivepets, es primera vez que escribo en esta linda comunidad. 😊
Desde ayer he estado pensando de cuantas vidas han pasado por mis manos desde muy pequeña decidí rescatar animales y ha sido duro no lo niego incluso he llegado a vender mis pertenencias para salvar a callejeros que lo necesiten. Hoy quiero hablarles de Café un perrito que conocí el 2012 cuando decidí unirme a una ong. Por motivos externos esta organización se disolvio y decidí tomar el cargo y cuidar a los 20 perritos que allí habían. Cafe me llamo la atención un perro adulto aprox. 5 años, era esquivo no confiaba en la gente, comía y arrancaba, hasta que poco a poco logramos un vínculo 🥰 paseabamos y nos metíamos a nadar en un río que colindaba al refugió. Era el líder de la manada siempre cuando habían peleas el ponía orden, era el primero en avanzar, el que avisaba si aparecía gente extraña o perros que no eran del grupo. Por problemas con el municipio tuvimos que partir de ese lugar.
Junto a mi pareja de ese entonces, nos fuimos a otro sitio se nos hacia difícil ya que era muy lejos, pero el esfuerzo por ellos valía la pena. Un día camino al refugio lamentablemente tuvimos un accidente (en otro post escribiré sobre este episodio de mi vida) y mi pareja falleció y yo quedé mal física y emocionalmente asi que opte por cerrar el refugio y solo que quedarme con los perritos que teníamos así pasaron 8 años buscándole adopción a todos. Pague un patio para tenerlos mas cerca de casa.
Cafe ya era mayor nadie quería adoptarlo así que decidí llevarlo a casa le dimos amor, cobijo, juegos, comida casera que era la que le encantaba 🤗 y poco a poco fue apagándose ya sus patas traseras no tenían la fuerza suficiente para pararse, uno de sus testículos tenía un tumor enorme lo operamos pensando que eso era el problema pero no, era la vejez que hacia de las suyas, paso de ser el perro de la manada a un perrito de casa postrado, fue duro verlo así. Lo cuidamos mucho, se le dio todo el amor posible pero llegó un momento que su cuerpo estaba tan cansado que cada vez que íbamos a acomodarlo y cambiarlo de posición le daban convulsiones. Ahi me di cuenta que por más que lo amaba había que ayudarlo a partir. Un 7 de enero del 2021 acordamos con la vet. que sería el momento vino a nuestro hogar y lo despedimos.
Fue duro, con el no solo se iba su vida, si no también mi historia pasada en el refugio, con mi antigua pareja. Era mi pedacito de cielo cuando no tenía fuerzas...
Siempre soñé el momento en que alguien dijera "Quiero adoptarlo" ese momento nunca llego y fui tu hogar temporal por 9 años. Agradecer a la vida que nadie te adoptó porque tuve el placer de tenerte, de darnos amor y de enseñarme cuanto me amabas y protegias a pesar que ya ni siquiera podías levantarte. La fidelidad de ambos es algo que siempre recordaré.
Fuiste siempre libre no tuviste el título de "adoptado" porque tu ni yo lo vimos, tu vida y la mía estaban destinadas a estar juntas.

Se que hoy los dos están juntos en el cielo viéndome que no me rindo y sigo aportando mi granito de ayuda a tantos abandonados que lo necesitan...

¡Cada día es una nueva oportunidad para ayudar, reir, amar, explorar y crear!

Hello Hivepets friends, this is the first time I write in this beautiful community. 😊 Since yesterday I have been thinking about how many lives have passed through my hands. Since I was very little I decided to rescue animals and it has been hard. I don't deny it. I have even sold my belongings to save strays who need it. Today I want to talk to you about Café, a little dog that I met in 2012 when I decided to join an NGO. For external reasons this organization dissolved and I decided to take charge and take care of the 20 dogs there. Cafe caught my attention about an adult dog. 5 years old, he was elusive, he didn't trust people, he ate and started, until little by little we achieved a bond we walked and went swimming in a river that bordered the shelter. He was the leader of the pack, always when there were fights, he put order, he was the first to advance, the one who warned if strange people or dogs that were not part of the group appeared. Due to problems with the municipality we had to leave that place. Together with my partner at the time, we went to another place. It was difficult for us since it was very far, but the effort was worth it. One day on the way to the shelter, unfortunately we had an accident (in another post I will write about this episode of my life) and my partner died and I was physically and emotionally ill, so I decided to close the shelter and just stay with the dogs we had, that's how they happened. 8 years looking for adoption for everyone. Pay for a patio to have them closer to home. Cafe was already older, no one wanted to adopt him, so I decided to take him home, we gave him love, shelter, games, homemade food, which was what he loved 🤗 and little by little he began to fade away and his hind legs were not strong enough to stand up, one of His testicles had a huge tumor. We operated on him thinking that was the problem but no, it was his old age, he went from being the dog of the pack to a bedridden house dog, it was hard to see him like that. We took great care of him, we gave him all the love possible but there came a time when his body was so tired that every time we went to accommodate him and change his position he would have seizures. There I realized that no matter how much I loved him, I had to help him leave. On January 7, 2021 we agreed with the vet. That would be the moment when he came to our home and we said goodbye. It was hard, with him not only his life was leaving, but also my past history in the shelter, with my former partner. It was my little piece of heaven when I didn't have the strength... I always dreamed of the moment when someone would say "I want to adopt him." That moment never came and I was your temporary home for 9 years. Thank life that no one adopted you because I had the pleasure of having you, of giving us love and of showing me how much you loved and protected me even though you couldn't even get up anymore. Their loyalty is something I will always remember. You were always free, you did not have the title of "adopted" because you nor I saw it, your life and mine were destined to be together. I know that today the two are together in heaven watching me not give up and continue to contribute my bit of help to so many abandoned people who need it... Every day is a new opportunity to help, laugh, love, explore and create!

Todas las Imágenes son de mi autoria.
Descargadas de mis redes sociales.
Traducido al inglés con Google traductor.

All images are my own.
Downloaded from my social networks.
Translated into English with Google Translator.

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