(Esp/Eng) Sentimientos encontrados con Naranjita


(Helping Naranjita)


El otro día, me puse en modo melancolía recordando a mi gato ya fallecido por Leucemia, Pepe. Miraba sus fotos y no pude evitar llorar , extrañarlo y pensar que pude haber hecho mas.

Recuerdo que estuvimos de acá para allá haciéndole tratamiento hasta llegar a la trasfusión de sangre. Sasha, mi gata, fué la donante pero nada se pudo hacer ya que Pepe estaba en estado terminal, sus glóbulos rojos no remontaban, era cuestión de tiempo para el inevitable final. Me partió en mil pedazos el corazón cuando el dio su último aliento de vida en mis brazos y yo ahí, sin poder hacer nada mientras la vida se escurría de su cuerpecito débil.

The other day, I got into a melancholic mood remembering my deceased cat Pepe, who passed away from Leukemia. I was looking at his photos and couldn't help but cry, missing him and thinking that I could have done more. I remember we were going back and forth giving him treatment until we reached the blood transfusion. Sasha, my cat, was the donor but nothing could be done as Pepe was in a terminal state, his red blood cells were not recovering, it was just a matter of time for the inevitable end. It broke my heart into a thousand pieces when he took his last breath of life in my arms, and there I was, unable to do anything as life drained from his weak little body.


En ese día de nostalgia, iba navegando por allí y no se si fue casualidad o tenía que pasar pero me topé con el estado de una chica que decía: Busco urgente donante de sangre para mi gato. Cuestión que, quedé en shock ¿Era acaso un msj de Pepe? Si digo esto es porque me contacté con ella y resulta que Naranjita, su gato, necesitaba una trasfusión ya que tenia VILEF, así es, lo mismo que tenía Pepe. Lo interpreté como una señal de que ese mensaje me llegó para salvarlo así que, coordinamos para que Anita sea la donante ya que ella cumplía todos los requisitos que se pedían.

On that nostalgic day, I was navigating around and I don't know if it was a coincidence or it had to happen but I came across a post from a girl that said: **Urgently seeking blood donor for my cat**. The thing is, I was in shock. Was it perhaps a message from Pepe? I say this because I contacted her and it turns out that Naranjita, her cat, needed a transfusion since it had VILEF, yes, the same thing Pepe had. I took it as a sign that the message came to me to save him so we arranged for Anita to be the donor since she met all the required criteria.


Hicimos primero prueba de compatibilidad y dieron que ambos lo eran, por ende, estábamos listos para la trasfusión.

Ella no paraba de llorar ya que Naranjita estaba al limite y debíamos actuar lo mas rápido posible. Le dije que lo hiciéramos ya y que yo, iba a estar ahí con ella. Se calmó un poco pero la ansiedad y el llanto se apoderaban de ella. Sinceramente, me vi reflejada ya que yo estuve en su lugar hace 9 meses pero mi historia no tuvo final feliz.

Comencé a preparar a Anita el día siguiente y el día de hacer, llegamos super temprano. Ambos se portaron super bien aunque a Anita le agarró la loca cuando terminaron de sacarle sangre jaja nos quiso arañar a todos, algo extraño ella ya que nunca araño ni mordió a nadie. Nos explicaba el vet que era normal después de la sedación ya que la durmieron para extraerle la sangre. Ya luego se le paso y estuvo de diez.

We first did a compatibility test and they showed that both were compatible, therefore, we were ready for the transfusion.

She couldn't stop crying as Naranjita was on the edge and we had to act as quickly as possible. I told her to do it now and that I would be there with her. She calmed down a bit but anxiety and tears took over her. Honestly, I saw myself reflected because I was in her place 9 months ago but my story didn't have a happy ending.

I started preparing Anita the next day and on the day of the procedure, we arrived super early. Both behaved really well although Anita went a bit crazy after they finished taking her blood haha she tried to scratch all of us, which was strange because she never scratched or bit anyone. The vet explained that it was normal after the sedation since they had put her to sleep to extract the blood. After a while she calmed down and was great.


En cuanto a Naranjita, se porto como un rey. Sus hematocritos estaban en 10 lo cual, podía causar la muerte.

Por suerte, todo salió bien y Naranjita, se recuperó. Solo queda esperar a que pueda tener una vida plena y medianamente larga ya que los gatos con esta enfermedad, no suelen vivir muchos años pero al menos, pudimos hacer algo por el para que tenga una mejor calidad de vida le quede lo que le quede.

Siento como que cerré un ciclo y pude sanar lo de Pepe ayudando a este minino. Llámenme loca pero creo, Pepe intervino para que pueda ayudar a este bebe... en fin. Ya me siento un poco mejor conmigo misma y feliz de que Naranjita, se pudo salvar ¡Saludos!

As for Naranjita, he behaved like a king. His hematocrits were at 10 which could cause death.

Luckily, everything turned out fine, and Naranjita recovered. Now we just have to wait for him to be able to have a fully and reasonably long life since cats with this disease usually don't live many years, but at least we could do something to give him a better quality of life for whatever time he has left.

I feel like I closed a cycle and was able to heal the Pepe situation by helping this little cat. Call me crazy, but I believe Pepe intervened so I could help this baby... anyway. I already feel a little better about myself and happy that Naranjita was able to be saved. Greetings!

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✏️ Texto por: @aibi93 | ✏️ Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.

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