[Eng-Spa] It's not a female! What? It's a male! But we love him anyway.

Happy evening friends of Hive. I hope you are doing very well. Today I want to tell you about my experience with my beloved kitty. I hope you like it.

Feliz noche amigos de Hive. Espero que se encuentren muy bien. Hoy quiero contarles mi experiencia con mi querido gatito. Espero que les guste.



Les presento a mi querido Sony. Es un gato muy peculiar, porque es sumamente cariñoso. Le encanta estar encima de las personas. Todo el que llegue a la casa es bien recibido por Sony. Es súper meloso y muy atrevido, siempre quiere sentarse en las piernas de cualquiera de nosotros en la casa y sobre todo en las piernas de quien nos visite. En más de una oportunidad lo he tenido que regañar,porque no a todo el mundo le gustan los gatos y mucho menos que lo dejen todo lleno de pelos.
Let me introduce you to my dear Sony. He is a very peculiar cat, because he is extremely affectionate. He loves to be on top of people. Everyone who comes to the house is well received by Sony. He is super affectionate and very daring, he always wants to sit on the legs of any of us in the house and especially on the legs of whoever visits us. On more than one occasion I have had to scold him, because not everyone likes cats and much less that they leave everything full of hair.


¿Por qué se llama Sony? Les cuento que cuando estaba chiquitico,yo pensé que era hembra y la llamé Sofy. Tomando en cuenta su bienestar, decidí esterilizarla. Hice todos los trámites y la llevé al veterinario. Después que la anestesiaron, se percataron de que era un macho. Yo no podía creer lo que estaba pasando. El veterinario los castró sin consultar conmigo. Eso me molesto mucho, pero ya no había nada que hacer. Desde entonces, le cambié el nombre por Sony, ya que era lo más parecido a su nombre original, cuando creí que era hembra.
Why is her name Sony? I tell you that when she was tiny, I thought she was a female and I named her Sofy. Taking into account her well being, I decided to spay her. I did all the paperwork and took her to the vet. After they anesthetized her, they realized she was a male. I could not believe what was happening. The vet had them neutered without consulting me. I was very upset, but there was nothing to be done. Since then, I changed her name to Sony, as it was the closest thing to her original name, when I thought she was a female.



Sony fue creciendo y comenzó a manifestar sus excentricidades. Es muy exquisito para comer, le fascina la gatarina, pero la más costosa. Cuando no pude comprársela más debido al precio, comenzamos a darle sardinitas frescas, pero solo se come la sardina en filete y bien preparadita. No se come la cabeza, ni las aletas, así que hay que preparársela a su gusto para que pueda comer. En ocasiones le compró sardina en lata y esa si se la devora de inmediato.

Sony grew up and began to show his eccentricities. He is a very exquisite eater, he loves the gatarina, but the most expensive one. When I couldn't buy it anymore because of the price, we started to give him fresh sardines, but he only eats the sardines in fillet and well prepared. He doesn't eat the head or the fins, so we have to prepare it to his liking so he can eat it. Sometimes I buy him canned sardines and he devours them immediately.


Lo que más me gusta de Sony es que es muy juguetón, en ocasiones comienza a correr por toda la casa y a saltar. Yo pienso que es una manera de entrenarse. Cada mañana se acerca a la puerta de la habitación de mi mamá para esperarla y si se pasa la hora comienza a maullar para despertar a mi mamá, porque ella es quien le da de comer tempranito. A veces, Sony se comporta como un perro, yo no sé si es porque está castrado o es que es único en su especie. Le encanta olfatearme los pies y dormir sobre mis cholas.
What I like most about Sony is that he is very playful, sometimes he starts running around the house and jumping. I think it is a way to train himself. Every morning he comes to the door of my mom's room to wait for her and if it's past the hour he starts meowing to wake up my mom, because she is the one who feeds him early. Sometimes, Sony behaves like a dog, I don't know if it is because he is neutered or because he is one of a kind. He loves to sniff my feet and sleep on my cholas.


Nuestro cariñoso gato es miedoso. Una vez se subió al techo de la vecina y no sabía como bajarse. Ese día tuvimos que sacar una escalera a la calle, colocarla en la casa de la vecina y bajarlo. Yo estaba molesta con Sony, porque por andar explorando techos ajenos nos preocupo mucho, porque no lo encontrábamos. Sus maullidos lejanos nos llevaron a encontrarlo. Desde aquel entonces, no ha cometido más travesuras. Es hogareño y tranquilo.
Our affectionate cat is a scaredy cat. Once he climbed on the neighbor's roof and didn't know how to get off. That day we had to take a ladder to the street, place it on the neighbor's house and bring him down. I was annoyed with Sony, because he was exploring other people's roofs and worried us a lot, because we couldn't find him. His distant meowing led us to find him. Since then, he hasn't gotten into mischief. He is homely and calm.


A pesar de que no es la hembra que queríamos, Sony nos ha llenado de mucho amor. Lo queremos muchísimo y es parte de nuestra familia. Juguetón, cariñoso, miedoso y en ocasiones un poquito loco, es nuestra linda mascota. Seguiremos cuidando de este pequeño felino que nos ha brindado mucha alegría.
Even though he is not the female we wanted, Sony has filled us with so much love. We love him very much and he is part of our family. Playful, affectionate, fearful and sometimes a little bit crazy, he is our beautiful pet. We will continue to take care of this little feline who has brought us so much joy.


Todas las fotos son de mi propiedad, tomadas con Redmi Note Pro 8.
Los separadores fueron tomados de Freepik y editados en Power Point utilizando una imagen de pixabay.

All photos are my own, taken with Redmi Note Pro 8.
The dividers were taken from Freepik and edited in PowerPoint using an image from pixabay.

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