Cats around😸


Cats around 😸

It's amazing how many cats you can find in one morning. I found these four in one morning while I was in a small area. And I only show those that let me take a decent picture, as we saw many more.

When I see them I usually ask the owners for the name of the kitty. Some of them have names that we use with people, and I find that curious. I think it can mean several things, but that will be for another post. Others have names based on some characteristic of the animal. And not a few people tell me: "It has no name. We just call him 'cat' or 'Mishu', and he comes". I don't judge those people. Rather, I understand them. I had one like that.

I don't know if it's common sense or perhaps a whim of mine, but I think the appearance of the cat (or cats) in the house says something about their owners. Sometimes we see dirty and unusually thin cats, generating doubt about their treatment and feeding. And the opposite is also true. For the record, I selected my words very well: I said "they say something", I didn't say "they say everything". Because it is possible that the cat's life is subject to several variants, but one of those variants is its owner.

So as I walk down the street I sometimes have the opportunity to get to know people thanks to their cats. It is inevitable to smile when they themselves respond to our calls and stay to be petted. But I also laugh when I see that some simply ignore us, and it's like: "Get out of my way, you're in my way". Of course, there are those who see us at a certain distance and move away, out of caution or mistrust. We still love them.

These four cats I don't know their names, but they look very good. I'm sure I'll meet them again and maybe the only one who will be happy about that reunion will be me. Or not? Who knows...

The photos are my own, taken with my Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 phone and Canon EOS Rebel t3i and edited with GIMP.


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