El secuestro de Charly / Charly's kidnapping

Samira y Eren eran una pareja de emigrantes libaneses. Habían dejado sus tierras hacía 4 años, para buscar nuevos horizontes para ellos y su familia.

Viajaron por barco hasta suramérica, dejando a sus dos hijos de 4 y 6 años al cuidado de los abuelos, por lo menos hasta que estuvieran establecidos.

No sabían que les resultaba más doloroso, si desprenderse de sus pequeños o estar a la deriva en un país con un idioma y una cultura completamente distinta.

El primer impacto fue terrible, el cambio de vestimenta, la manera de tener contacto con otros, todo indicaba que si bien no podían volver, tampoco querían que sus hijos se criaran en ese nuevo lugar.

Con la ayuda de unos paisanos, Eren empezó a trabajar en un local de venta de ropa. Tuvo que adaptarse también a que lo llamaran árabe, cuando realmente era libanés, y aunque le molestaba internamente, lo asumía como algo más a qué acostumbrarse, sobre todo porque los dueños de la tienda le explicaron que era una manera de llamarlos por venir de esa parte del mundo.

Pasaron algunos años, y Samira sale embarazada de un niño, a quien recibieron con mucha alegría, pues aunque extrañaban a sus hijos mayores, un bebé deseado siempre será motivo de emoción en la familia. Luego de su llegada, la idea de traerlos a vivir a su nuevo hogar, no les parecía nada descabellada.

Alquilaron un departamento más grande y con los ahorros que tenían lograron montar un local propio, muy cerca de su nueva casa. Con su trabajo de un año lograron poder traer a los hijos y completar su núcleo nuevamente.

Salma ya tenía 8 años, recordaba muy poco la cara de sus padres, pero estaba feliz de toda la aventura que significaba este cambio. Basil en cambio era muy resistente a todo. A sus 10 años ya daba muestras de que su adolescencia no iba a ser fácil.

Charly, el pequeño, disfrutaba de la compañía de sus hermanos mayores, quienes con su ayuda y la de sus maestros y compañeros de escuela, hicieron más fácil la adaptación, aunque para Basil las cosas no eran del todo buenas.

Empezó a juntarse con unos chicos del edificio, un poco mayores que él, quienes optaban por escaparse de la escuela en los recreos y algunos ya empezaban a fumar, con sus escasos 14 años. No pasó mucho tiempo cuando él, se inició en lo mismo.

Sus padres pensaban que era por el cambio de vida al llegar al país, y hasta lo conversaron con sus profesores, quienes le dijeron que solo era cuestión de tiempo para adaptarse a la nueva cultura. Con eso, ellos pusieron el destino de su hijo en manos del tiempo.

Al empezar la secundaria, decidieron mudarse y con ello las juntadas con los chicos problema cesaron, justo en el tiempo en el cual Samira y Eren ya se cuestionaban si debían seguir en una cultura tan distinta a la de ellos, pues aunque ya habían pasado algunos años, habían ciertas cosas que los ponían a dudar.

Pero la vida en su país seguía siendo problemática, con una guerra que no terminaba nunca, esa zozobra era la que los frenaba de volver, y otro proceso migratorio no estaban dispuestos a pasar, sobre todo llevando los tres hijos.

Así que, en parte decepcionados, optaron por hacer lo mejor para que sus descendientes conservaran sus raíces y vivieran como sus abuelos los criaron a ellos.

Los hijos no pensaban igual, ya se habían acostumbrado a todo lo nuevo y aunque en casa solían actuar como cuando estaban con los abuelos, fuera de ella hacían lo posible por integrarse a su nuevo entorno.

Ahora era Charly quien mostraba resistencia, ya que veía el contraste y prefería ser latino y no oriental, sobre todo porque no vivían en aquel país del que solo sabía por referencias.
Un día, mientras caminaba en la calle cuando iba al local de sus padres escucha una voz masculina que lo llama por su nombre...Charly?...

Si! respondió.

De seguro no te acuerdas de mi, soy Eliezer, nos conocimos en pre-escolar!

Y aunque sus recuerdos no lo ubicaban, Charly hizo como si realmente supiera de quién se trataba, más que nada llevado por la vergüenza de no acordarse de quien decía haber sido su mejor amigo en su primera infancia.

Lo invitó a tomar un café, y como no estaba de ánimos de verle la cara a sus padres, aceptó acompañarle.

En el camino le habló de algunos compañeros de esa época, de su maestra, pero por más esfuerzos que hizo, no era capaz de recordar nada de eso, aunque la conversación le parecía amena.

Llegando a la cafetería, una camioneta negra se aproxima, y en menos de 2 minutos, dos hombres bajaron de ella y lo sometieron, haciendo que entrara al igual que a Eliezer, y se fueron a alta velocidad.

Ya dentro del vehículo, le dijeron a los gritos que debía colaborar si quería seguir con vida mientras le vendaban los ojos. Charly pedía que no le hicieran daño, que de seguro se habían equivocado, y de tanto hablar logró que le colocaran una mordaza para hacerlo callar.

Ya al final de la tarde, sus padres extrañados cierran el local, pensando que quizás Charly había decidido quedarse en casa, encontrándose la sorpresa que al llegar allá, sus hermanos pensaban que vendría con ellos.

Fue una noche larga, en la que Samira y Salma no pararon de llorar, mientras Eren entre molesto y frustrado esperaba que pasaran las 24 horas que decía la policía para aceptarle la denuncia por desaparición.

Basil, por su parte, se mantenía calmado, pero con un aspecto demacrado, pensando que quizás todo haya sido su culpa por los "amigos" que tenía en su antigua casa.

Mientras el sol decidía si salía o no, en una mañana con mucha niebla, suena el teléfono de casa. Eren atiende al segundo repique, y una voz distorcionada le dice que tienen a Charly, y que querían 1 millón de dólares para dejarlo libre.

Eren, escuchó atento y antes de que le colgaran la llamada pide hablarle como prueba de vida, la voz acepta, con la condición de que no pueden hablar en otro idioma, y la voz llorosa de Charly se escuchó... Papá, por favor haz lo que ellos te pidan, quiero salir de aquí.

Eren no logró pronunciar nada, pues de inmediato colgaron la llamada.

Un Millón!?? Y de donde podremos sacar semejante suma, pensaba Eren. Ni vendiendo todo lograrían acumularla, sin embargo eso hicieron. Y los paisanos que los recibieron al ver sus acciones preguntaron el por qué. Ellos habían querido mantenerse herméticos con esto, pero la presión diaria de los secuestradores por el monto, hizo que tuvieran que pedir otra ayuda que no fuera la de la policía.

Al enterarse la comunidad libanesa de la ciudad, se abocaron a ayudarles económicamente, hasta lograr acumular la suma. Tanta solidaridad los tenía sorprendidos y esperanzados.

En una última llamada, les dijeron que tenían el dinero, pero querían una prueba de vida que fuera algo más que su voz al teléfono.

Los captores dijeron que lo pensarían....

A las 24 horas un niño vestido de harapos dejó un paquete en la puerta de su casa, e inmediatamente fue interceptado por los policías que estaban asignados al caso y que esperaban en la esquina algún movimiento en falso.

Una señora me dijo que si lo traía me regalaba un sandwich, y como tenía mucha hambre le dije que si, fue su respuesta a los gendarmes. Y le creyeron, pues días atrás lo habían visto pidiendo en una panadería. Era un niño de la calle, que aunque lo llevaban a un hogar de acogida siempre se escapaba.

Entraron a la casa junto con el paquete, Samira, con la cara hinchada de tanto llorar, no daba crédito a lo que vio en su interior, mientras Eren gritaba improperios en su idioma. Salma se desmayó y fue atajada por Basil, quien solo miraba con furia al paquete.

Un dedo meñique con un corte bastante desigual y lleno de sangre había sido la prueba que enviaron. Sabían que era de Charly, pues tenía una cicatriz particular, que le quedó luego de que intentara recoger un vaso de vidrio que dejó caer por accidente.

Los detalles del corte hacían notar que actuaron con morbo, por lo que a la siguiente llamada no dudaron en pedir hacer el intercambio lo más pronto posible.

Felices con la prueba? dijo la voz distorcionada al teléfono, y Eren conteniendo la rabia, les pidió lugar y hora para hacer el intercambio.

Mañana, 11 de la noche, en el parque del centro de la ciudad. Dejen el dinero en un contenedor de basura al lado del tobogán.
La policía armó todo el operativo, y aunque ellos le pidieron que no intervinieran, solo lograron negociar que esperaran que Charly apareciera para proceder.

Llegada la hora, Eren hizo lo solicitado y se retiró a esperar. Los nervios ya no le daban para mantener más tiempo la cordura, cuando del otro lado del parque, aparece un hombre con barba larga y despeinado. Subía los brazos y caminaba lentamente.

Una venda en su mano izquierda fue la señal que había esperado durante ese largo mes. Era Charly!

Source- Unsplash

Apenas logró abrazarlo cuando se desvaneció, y los paramédicos que esperaban en la ambulancia procedieron a subirlo y llevarlo al hospital junto con su padre, quien no paraba de llorar de la emoción.

Mientras le hacían las revisiones de rigor, Eren llama a casa para dar la noticia, que fue recibida con algarabía por todos, haciendo eco a la comunidad que tanto los había apoyado.

Charly luego de eso, pasó un tiempo sin hablar, y permanecía encerrado en casa. Los sonidos altos y las luces le molestaban. Fue una recuperación lenta.

De ellos solo se supo luego que abandonaron el país, no se sabe cómo, cuando ni con qué destino. Tampoco de sus captores, el caso pareciera haberse desvanecido cuando Charly apareció.

Samira and Eren were a couple of Lebanese immigrants. They had left their land 4 years ago, in search of new horizons for them and their family.

They traveled by boat to South America, leaving their two 4 and 6 year old children in the care of their grandparents, at least until they were settled.

They did not know if it was more painful to be separated from their children or to be adrift in a country with a completely different language and culture.

The first impact was terrible, the change of clothing, the way of having contact with others, everything indicated that although they could not return, they did not want their children to be raised in that new place.

With the help of some countrymen, Eren began to work in a clothing store. He also had to adapt to being called an Arab, when he was really Lebanese, and although it bothered him internally, he assumed it as something else to get used to, especially because the owners of the store explained to him that it was a way of calling them for coming from that part of the world.

Some years passed, and Samira became pregnant with a boy, who they received with much joy, because although they missed their older children, a desired baby will always be a source of emotion in the family. After his arrival, the idea of bringing them to live in their new home did not seem so far-fetched.

They rented a larger apartment and with the savings they had managed to set up their own local, very close to their new home. With their work of one year they were able to bring the children and complete their nucleus again.

Salma was already 8 years old, she barely remembered her parents' faces, but she was happy with the whole adventure that this change meant. Basil, on the other hand, was very resistant to everything. At 10 years old he was already showing signs that his adolescence was not going to be easy.

Charly, the little one, enjoyed the company of his older brothers, who with the help of their teachers and classmates made the adaptation easier, although for Basil things were not entirely good.

He started hanging out with some boys from the building, a little older than him, who opted to escape from school during recess and some were already starting to smoke, with their scarce 14 years. It did not take long for him to start doing the same.

His parents thought it was because of the change of life when arriving in the country, and they even talked to his teachers, who told them that it was only a matter of time to adapt to the new culture. With that, they put their son's destiny in the hands of time.

When he started high school, they decided to move and with it the meetings with the problem boys stopped, just at the time when Samira and Eren were already questioning whether they should continue in such a different culture, because although some years had passed, there were certain things that made them doubt.

But life in their country was still problematic, with a war that never ended, that unrest was what prevented them from returning, and another migratory process they were not willing to go through, especially taking the three children.

So, partly disappointed, they chose to do the best for their descendants to preserve their roots and live as their grandparents raised them.

The children did not think the same, they had already gotten used to everything new and although at home they usually acted as when they were with their grandparents, outside they did their best to integrate into their new environment.

Now it was Charly who showed resistance, since he saw the contrast and preferred to be Latino and not Oriental, especially because they did not live in that country of which he only knew by references.

One day, while walking on the street on his way to his parents' store, he hears a male voice calling his name ... Charly? ...

Yes! he replied.

You probably don't remember me, I'm Eliezer, we met in pre-school!

And even though his memories didn't place him, Charly pretended like he really knew who he was talking about, mostly because he was embarrassed of not remembering who said he had been his best friend in his early childhood.

He invited him for a coffee, and since he wasn't in the mood of facing his parents, he accepted the invitation.

On the way there, he talked to him about some classmates from that time, about his teacher, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't remember anything about it, even though the conversation seemed pleasant to him.

When they got to the coffee shop, a black van approached, and in less than 2 minutes, two men got out of it and subdued him, making him go in, just like Eliezer, and they drove away quickly.

Once they were inside the vehicle, they shouted at him that he had to cooperate if he wanted to stay alive while they tied a blindfold around his eyes. Charly was begging them not to hurt him, that they must have made a mistake, and after talking so much, they managed to put a gag on him to make him shut up.

At the end of the afternoon, his parents, who were worried, closed the shop, thinking that maybe Charly had decided to stay home, but when they got there, his brothers thought he would come with them.

It was a long night, in which Samira and Salma didn't stop crying, while Eren, who was angry and frustrated, waited for the 24 hours that the police said they had to accept the missing person's report.

Basil, on the other hand, remained calm, but with a haggard look, thinking that maybe it was all his fault because of the "friends" he had in his old house.

As the sun decided whether to come out or not, on a foggy morning, the phone rang at home. Eren answered on the second ring, and a distorted voice told him they had Charly, and that they wanted 1 million dollars to set him free.

Eren listened carefully and before they hung up, he asked to speak to him as a proof of life, the voice accepted, on the condition that they couldn't speak in any other language, and Charly's crying voice was heard... Dad, please do what they're asking you, I want to get out of here.

Eren couldn't say anything, because they hung up immediately.
One Million!?? And where will we get that kind of money, Eren was thinking. Not even selling everything would allow them to accumulate it, however that's what they did. And the Lebanese people who received them, seeing their actions, asked why. They had wanted to keep this to themselves, but the daily pressure from the kidnappers for the amount, made them have to ask for help that wasn't from the police.

When the Lebanese community in the city found out, they focused on helping them financially, until they managed to accumulate the amount. Such solidarity surprised and hopeful them.

In a last call, they were told they had the money, but they wanted a proof of life that was more than just his voice on the phone.

The captors said they would think about it....

At 24 hours, a boy dressed in rags left a package at the door of his house, and he was immediately intercepted by the police officers who were assigned to the case and who were waiting on the corner for any false move.

An old lady told me that if I brought it she would give me a sandwich, and since I was very hungry I told her yes, that was his answer to the gendarmes. And they believed him, because days before they had seen him begging at a bakery. He was a street kid, who even though he was taken to a foster home, he always ran away.

They went into the house along with the package, Samira, with her face swollen from crying so much, couldn't believe what she saw inside, while Eren was shouting obscenities in his language.
Salma fainted and was intercepted by Basil, who was only looking at the package with fury.

A pinky finger with a rather ragged cut and full of blood had been the evidence they sent. They knew it belonged to Charly, as he had a particular scar, left after he tried to pick up a glass that he accidentally dropped.

The details of the cut made it clear that they were acting morbidly, so the next call they did not hesitate to ask to make the exchange as soon as possible.

Happy with the test? said the distorted voice on the phone, and Eren, holding back his anger, asked for a time and place to make the exchange.

Tomorrow, 11 p.m., in the downtown park. Leave the money in a dumpster next to the slide.

The police set up the whole operation, and although they asked them not to intervene, they only managed to negotiate that they would wait for Charly to show up before proceeding.

When the time came, Eren did as requested and retired to wait. His nerves were too much for him to keep his sanity any longer, when from the other side of the park, a man with a long beard and disheveled hair appeared. He was raising his arms and walking slowly.

A bandage on his left hand was the sign he had been waiting for during that long month. It was Charly!

Source- Unsplash

He barely managed to hug him when he fainted, and the paramedics waiting in the ambulance proceeded to lift him up and take him to the hospital along with his father, who could not stop crying with emotion.

While he was undergoing the necessary examinations, Eren called home to give the news, which was received with joy by everyone, echoing the community that had supported them so much.

After that, Charly spent some time without speaking, and remained locked up at home. Loud sounds and lights bothered him. It was a slow recovery.

It was only known about them after they left the country, it is not known how, when or with what destination. Neither of their captors, the case seems to have vanished when Charly appeared.

Foto/Photo by: thumbnail José P. Ortiz - Unsplash
Picture 1 Sebastian Radu -Unsplash and Omid Armin - Unsplash
Picture 2 Jonas Weckschmied - Unsplash and Steffen Muldbjerg - Unsplash
Picture 3 Konrad Koller - Unsplash
Edición/Edited by @mamaemigrante using canva
Translated and formatted with Hive Translator by @noakmilo.

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