It's Mango Season, Eat More Of It.

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I Went to a near by village and saw how these mango trees are glowing with mango fruits. I eat some and decided to make a research on it, and to my surprise, there is a lot of health benefits associated with the regular consumption of this fruit. I decided to share some common possible health benefits with you, enjoy.

Mango is one of the succulent fruits you can find on this planet. Its taste is very unique. Mango has a sugar-like taste which makes it very sweet. Its refreshing, delicious, tasty, yummy and just like any other fruit, loaded with lots of nutritional benefits too.

It's mango season, and what does that mean? It means mangoes are very common to come by during these times in this part of the world. Not sure about our countries but I guess the same for them as well. Mangoes are very cheap on the market now. They are now all over the country and have been on a very huge discount nowadays. It can be gotten from the trees. They are in abundance!

Are you eating them? If your answer is no, then I am sorry to say, you’re missing a lot, unless maybe you’re allergic to mangoes. I doubt if that exists though, but nothing is new under the sun.

Well, if you don’t have any good reasons for not consuming enough mangoes during this time of the year, then I am here to give you some reasons why you should try and consume enough of it while it's still in abundance.

Well, what is Mango fruit?

Mango fruits are tropical stone-like fruits which are about the size of a pear fruit. It's green when unripe, but changes to yellow when ready to be eaten. The flesh is yellowish in color and soft when ripe. In it can be found a single seed which is very hard like a stone. This stone-like seed lies in the middle of the mango fruit.

Mangoes are all over the world especially in the tropical regions, mostly part of Asia; where mangoes originated from. It is grown in other parts of the world like South America, Africa, etc.

Now that we know all these about mango fruits, let’s take a look at some nutritional benefits our body can get from mango fruits.

   Mangoes are rich in protective antioxidants;

This delicious fruit is loaded with lots of protective compounds and full of antioxidants properties. The chemicals found in this fruit are gallitannins and mangiferin. These two major chemical compounds have been discovered by nutritionists to have the ability to counter the oxidative stress that comes with day to day activities as well as toxin exposures. This fruit also has the ability to prevent obesity due to the availability of these nutrients. The presence of these chemical compounds play a very important role in reducing blood related complications.

   Improves digestion;

There were studies on mango. These studies were conducted in the year 2018. It was a pilot survey that was conducted. This research proved to be a positive one. The study showed that, people who continuously ate mango for four weeks were relieved from constipations and other digestive related problems. This was a result of the fiber contained in the mangoes. Not only that but other nutritional chemical compounds are present as well.

There was also an animal study that went positive. This has to do with obese mice. It was proven that, after the adding of mangoes to their diet, these fat mice improved gut microflora. Thus, it was possible because of the presence of phytochemicals, which is also a protective chemical compound just like gallo-tannins. This chemical compound known as phytochemicals have also proven positive for its ability to act as both ant-inflammatory and antioxidants to the digestive system due to its gastroprotective effects. It is also good for the relief of ulcerative colitis, another digestive related condition.

   Mangoes may improve the heart health/conditions.

There was another animal study which also turned out to be positive. This study was to check the benefit of mangoes on the heart. This study showed that mangiferin, a chemical compound present in mangoes, aids in lowering cholesterol level which in turn improves heart health. Although this research turns out to be positive, it's much advisable to try on humans to see if it will produce the same result.

   Mangoes may improve eye conditions.

The presence of carotenoids in mangoes also supports good eye sight. You can notice this just by looking at it. The flesh of the orange indicates that mango is rich in carotenoids. It also provides other chemicals like lutein and zeaxanthin. These chemicals help the retina of the eye to function better by protecting it from the sun rays and also the emitted blue light from our phones, laptops, television sets, etc.

In particular, the zeaxanthin is very good when it comes to fighting signs of age-related macular degeneration.

    Possible improvement in hair and skin conditions.

Mangoes are very rich in vitamin C and A. These chemical compounds are very necessary for proper growth of hair and better skin. Vitamin C plays an important role in the human body especially when it comes to skin. The collagen present acts as a scaffold to the skin keeping it plump and firm. Vitamin C plays other roles. It acts as an antioxidant that helps protect us from some environmental damages that could come from illness. Cuts on the skin get repaired due to the presence of vitamin C. Absence of Vitamin C can also cause wrinkles and early aging.

Vitamin C is also needed for the body to be able to absorb other nutrients for the body to use. Vitamin C helps in the absorption of iron which is needed for hair growth in particular. The presence of some chemical substances such as sebum is as a result of the involvement of vitamin A. This chemical compound makes the skin and scalp oily. This oily action helps in moisturizing the skin and hair. The regular intake of mangoes are very sure ways of staying healthy.

   The leaves are also very good to the human body.  

There are also lots of chemical compounds present in the leaves that are very healthy to us. These chemical compounds are also used by men to treat lots of health problems and conditions. Consume some mangoes today, they are good for your health.


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