Homosapiens and Evolution


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Human beings are characterised by bipedalism, the ability to walk upright on two legs, made possible through evolution. Evolution in its simplest form is a gradual process by which living organisms adapt to changes in their environments, ensuring the continuity of their species. To do this successfully, biological traits, features and characteristics are passed down from parents to offspring leading to the generation of different species from a common ancestor. Evolution is one of the key features of mankind, Charles Darwin, one of the greatest scientists, succeed in engraving his name in the history books of evolutionary concept, a feat, which in my opinion was well deserved. The first theory of Evolution, formulated by him was based on the concept of natural selection, a concept that "only the fittest survive" We live in a very competitive world, the bar has been raised so high, again, only the fittest survive!.

As homo-sapiens, we constantly obey the laws of development. Primitive reflexes have to be inhibited and integrated, developmental milestones are obstacles to development that must be succumbed if our chronological age must correspond with our developmental age. We Crawl before we can stand, stand before walk, walk before we can run, unfortunately, we cannot fly. Probably, maybe, just maybe if our evolutionary background supported the development of wings, we would one day soar like eagles, but right now, flying with our musculoskeletal features is just impossible, yes!!! at the moment. I guess we have to even fly before we can soar.

On the bright side though, we have been able to achieve flight through our advance neurological features. What we lack in raw power has been made up for with pure brainpower, perhaps natural evolution has been unfairly fair to us. Sometimes I wonder, what if everything we have come to know and understand were all wrong and illogical. The big bang, the various laws of space, time and even human development, physics, chemistry. I mean theoretical concept that once stood the test of time has been disproved over and over again. Looks like the more we seem to provide a logical reason and answer for everything, the more things get complicated. The question now is, would we be better off if we never evolved and just remained in ages where the only things we did and thought of were food, sex and escaping predators.

I strongly believe in the law of cause and effect, for every cause, there there is always a corresponding effect, for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction, action and reaction are equal and opposite. Human development is marked by its negativities, pollution, deforestation, global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer, more drugs new diseases. We are making progress but we are hardly progressing, its ironic, it's like a vicious cycle. We seem to have everything, but we have nothing.

Speaking of our advanced neurological features which we that claim to possess it don't fully understand, homo-sapiens develop craniocaudally basically from top to bottom. Our spinal section is so so crucial in adequate neurological and muscle-skeletal development, prove from reference images show how extremely kyphotic we used to be which was marked by less advanced brain function. I wonder if there is a relationship between the shape of the spine and optimised brain function, what do you think?

Human being are like yin and yang with boundless capacity for good and evil, we are two sides of a coin. We are abominable creatures showing horrific cruelty, the worst of the worst, simultaneously we are great-hearted, noble creatures, the best of the best. we kill, we destroy, we render desolate, on the flip side, we give sympathy, empathy, charity, we are philanthropists. The question is why are some of us good at being good and why are others amazing at showing the worst kind of evil imaginable. Is it hereditary "like father, like son" is that it? perhaps its a function of our environment? or both. How far has our conscience evolved as homo sapiens? We have exhibited and demonstrated great evil and good in the past millennia, how much of a blessing, how much of a curse is our evolution as homo-sapiens?


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