How to see that photosynthesis is helpful for preparation of food in plants

Photosynthesis is phenomenon in which plants produce food and oxygen to combine water and carbon dioxide due to presence of sunlight and chlorophyll. Photosynthesis is natural process occur in all types of green plants. Through it plants able to produce food for yourself. Food which produce, we called them glucose. This food is procuded in the leaves of plants. Leaves prepared food due to having chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is present in the chloroplast. Chloroplast is cell organelles which found all over the leaves. In fact, plants produce food due to chloroplast. In the leaves, there are many mesophyll cells which prepapared food. These cells present in the upper and lower epidermis of the leaves. For preparation of food, leaves attain water from roots and carbon dioxide from the air. Leaves are called factory of food.

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Factor of photosynthesis

There are many factors which play key role for preparation of food are following
1 light
2 carbon dioxide
3 water
4 temperature
5 chlorophyll


Light is very compulsory for the process of photosynthesis. Without it food's preparation stop. In the morning time, light is minimum so food's preparation slow. In the afternoon time, high light is available so food produce enough as compared to morning time. In the evening time, light is minimum available so food produce in minimum range. At the night time, sun is completely set so photosynthesis process stopped.

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Water is life for every living things. So plants required water in a specific range. Water drops are present in the air and also roots absorb water from underground. Photosynthesis depend on water availability. So roots absorb water as much as need.

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Carbon dioxide

Carbon dioxide is gass which is present in the air. Their level in the air is 0.004. When living organism expire gass (carbon dioxide) into the air. Plants inspire it for food's preparation. If leaves get less amount of carbon dioxide, then food prepare also less. In other cases, if leaves attain high amount of carbon dioxide then food prepare more and more.

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Plants required proper percentage of temperature. If temperature is below 20 centigrade, then photosynthesis process remain slow. Suitable temperature for plants is 25 to 35 centigrade. In this range plants grow quickly. In the winter, temperature is below 20 so it don't prepare enough food for survival of life. As a result it grow slowly and slowly.

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It is basic things for food's preparation. It is present in the leaves. Due to having chlorophyll plants are able to produce food for surviving.

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