The Devil’s triangle is a section of the North Atlantic Ocean. It is also known as the Bermuda Triangle. The area has been said to be a location where a number of ships and airplanes have disappeared under mysterious circumstances.


The area has a vaguely triangular shape marked by the Atlantic Coast of Florida Panhandle (in the United States) Bermuda and the Greater Antilles. Bermuda triangle is not small. It is quite large and covers an area of 440,000 miles of sea. This is larger than the combined area of Rajasthan, Madhya, Pradesh and Maharashtra. The area also covers about 500,000 square miles of ocean off the southeastern tip of Florida.


Long ago, some ships were discovered completely abandoned for no apparent reason, others transmitted no distress signals and were never heard of or seen again.


Aircrafts have been reported and then vanished out of the blue. Usually when this situation occurs, rescue mission were been sent to fly in around the area but reports about what happen to the disappeared ship were all futile. No wreckage about the disappeared ships has ever been found.No evidence that the ship was even there.


Okay, no, this is actually very strange.

There have been a lot of theories for these disappearances. Most supernatural and others practical.

One popular theory is that the missing vessels were felled by the rogue waves. Rogue waves are massive waves that can reach heights of up to 100 feet ( 30.5m) and would theoretically be powerful enough to destroy all evidence to destroy all evidence of a ship or airplane(my own opinion though; this entirely doesn’t make sense)


At least 1000 lives were lost within the last 100 years. Based on average, a total of 4 aircrafts and 20 yatch go missing every year. The first person to report about the Bermuda Triangle was Christopher Columbus when he sailed through the area on his first voyage to the New World. He wrote in his journals that inside the triangle, the ship’s compass stopped working and that a great flame of fire crashed into the sea one night and that a strange height appeared in a distance a few weeks later.


The Bermuda Triangle is also one of the few places where true north and magnetic north line up.

It is a region where the weather is unpredictable and storms can evolve out of nowhere. Another disappearance was that of the USS Cyclops, an infamous tragedy that occurred in March 1918. The USS Cyclops was a 542 foot long navy cargo ship with over 300 men and 10,000 tons of manganese ore onboard. It sank somewhere around the triangle. The Cyclops never sent out an SOS distress call despite having the equipment to do so. An extensive search was done and as expected no wreckage was found. “Only God and the sea knows what happened to the great ship”, the US president, Woodrow Wilson said.


On the 5th of December 1945, five Navy bombers which held 14 men took off from a Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The name of this mission was called Flight 19 and its leader was an experienced pilot and veteran of several combat missions in World War II's pacific theater, Lieutenant Charles. The aim of the mission was to conduct practice bombing runs over the sea. The compasses of the planes started malfunctioning suddenly,over the devil's triangle. All five planes flew aimlessly around the triangle until they ran low of fuel and were forced to ditch at sea. A rescue plane and its 13-man crew also disappeared, on the same day.

Yes, this is definitely supernatural. I don't know, it's creepy. How would that happen?!


A massive search was conducted for weeks regarding the missing planes but all effort lead to no evidence a plane was even there at all. The official Navy report then declared that it was "as if they had flown to Mars".

People have also experienced electronic fog in the Bermuda triangle, which can also serve as a time tunnel too. A pilot, Bruce Gernon said he lost 28 minutes after flying through a time-warping cloud tunnel.


The Devil's triangle as the name implies has always been surrounded with a lot of miseries and unexplainable things. Flying over it must be extremely nerve wreaking.


Personally, I'd say flying over the devil's triangle is definitely a NO.

You guys! My exams sat me done and said "You, I'll keep you away from hive";(

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