The lunastice or great lunar stop at Stonehenge

The lunastice or great lunar stop at Stonehenge


Stonehenge, which is a place of worship with about 5,000 years of history, although the first stone dates back about 4,400 years ago, which makes it a monument from the same era as the pyramids of Egypt, this year in addition to being filled with tourists and new druids and these mystical things that have always existed, will be the subject of archaeo-astronomy research, which is the science that unites archeology with astronomy, because for the first time since 1985 the full moon will take place the day after the solstice of The summer that was was June 20, the longest day of the year and also the lunastice or “great lunar stop” occurred, something that occurs every 18 and a half years.

Although “the great lunar parade” sounds very spectacular, the truth is that it does not have special importance in the current astronomical calendar. That does not mean that in the past it was not important, perhaps it was a notable and very important event in ancient religions; The lunastice or the “great lunar stop” is the rising and setting of the moon in its most extreme positions. This is possible because the moon does not follow the same path as the sun. In fact, when looking at the sky, the moon rises in the east. and it sets in the west, that is, it does not always rise from the same place if we look at the Horizon, it does not always rise from the same place on the horizon, but rather it moves as the year progresses, towards the north or towards the south.

In this case, the moonstice occurs when the inclinations of the Earth and the Moon are maximum and therefore the rising and setting of the moon are the most north and the most south of the entire cycle of these 18 and a half years, this This event also curiously coincides with the summer solstice this year.

And this year they gathered at Stonehenge, this place is basically an astronomical calendar, it has also been discovered that there are burials and it is assumed that it was used for various things related to the cult of ancient gods and ancient religions and but fundamentally it had a function as an observatory astronomical and it is known that those stones or many, or some of them were aligned with the sunrise during the summer solstice, but now it turns out that English Heritage has a project underway, a project that aims to investigate the relationship between Stonehenge the stones that are placed there and the Moon during the great lunar stop.

To do this, they had experts from the University of Oxford, the University of Lanchester, and also astronomers from the Royal Astronomical Society. This project focuses on examining the stone structures of Stonehenge and seeing how they align with the departure and bet of the moon during this period in order to check if the monument also took into account this cycle of 18 and a half years, which would put us in a situation, on the one hand we would discover that the ancient British of 4500 years ago knew that cycle and had built or They had aligned at least some part of that monument to coincide and record that event.


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