Elon Musk will destroy the International special station.

Elon Musk will destroy the International special station.

NASA has already scheduled the destruction of the international space station and has even chosen its executioner, SpaceX, Elon Musk's private aerospace company, will be in charge of destroying the largest and most ambitious scientific project in history, the date 2030.

The space agency will pay a private company to destroy a vehicle that costs 160,000 million dollars, it is a lot of money, it is the largest object that has been built in space and it is the symbol that at one point in history it was Cooperation between nations with different ideologies for a common good is possible.


NASA announced on June 26 that it has already chosen the company that will be in charge of building a vehicle to remove the international space station from its orbit to drag it to an altitude where it will disintegrate and its remains will fall in a designated place far from populated areas. and this hit me like a bucket of cold water, because at the beginning of the year there was still talk of alternatives to extend the life of the international space station, which has been inhabited and operating for more than 23 years without interruption.

Why do they have to destroy it, I am attached to it, I love it very much. When they were just planning it in the mid-90s, I found out about the project through a very interesting magazine article. At that time, it was called the Alfa space station, which is a fact that only true fans know, I got to see from when they launched the first module called saria on November 20, 1998 on a Russian proton rocket to the last module called nauka that docked on July 29, 2021.

NASA, which plans to use the station until 2030, must decide what will happen to it. It was even considered selling it to a private company that could continue operating the station while millionaires, governments, companies and universities would pay to visit the station as tourists or to carry out experiments in microgravity, but it seems that so far no one is interested.

NASA will pay SpaceX to build the vehicle that will be destroyed along with the international space station a total of $843 million, which may sound like a lot of money, but if we consider that each year NASA spends $3 billion plus triple just in operating and maintaining the station it makes sense that they want to destroy it because it is cheaper. especially because after 2028 when the other space agencies will no longer contribute money, the total operating expenses will be entirely for NASA.

I really would like them to seek sponsorship, it doesn't matter that they fill it with advertising like a racing car, in conclusion, I agree that it makes sense to destroy it, but at the same time it makes me sad because I am used to thinking that there is a big mess in space with people inside doing science things and sending images to earth.


The images without reference were created with AI Le immagini senza riferimento sono state create con l'intelligenza artificiale
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