Another mysterious place on Mars.

Another mysterious place on Mars.


If he went to Mars and we could go to Mars and we had to look for a place to take refuge, there is a very curious one and it is also news because on July 3 the European space agency published this very curious thing about Mars.

What you are seeing, that cut, that snake is a series of photos taken with different filters taken by the Mars Express Probe, which is a ship that has been orbiting the red planet since December 25, 2003 and what we see is the Aganippe trench, which It is an irregular formation like an arch approximately 600 km long, it is a ditch with steep, practically vertical walls, there is no depth data, but I am convinced that it must be several hundred meters at least, at least in the deepest part. deep

The Aganippe crosses the lower Frank of one of the largest volcanoes on Mars, Mount Arsia. This volcano is located near Mount Olympus, the highest volcano in the solar system. Arsia itself is not that big but its base is also a colossus. It measures 435 km in diameter and rises more than 9 km above the surrounding plains, to put it in context, the highest volcano on earth is Ojos del Salado on the border between Argentina and Chile which has a height of almost 7 km.


Scientists don't know how or when this pit was created, but it seems possible that it was formed when magma rising beneath the colossal mass of the Tarshish volcanoes caused Mars' crust to stretch and crack. is that he did it with that surgeon's precision, what is at the bottom of the grave? Well, we don't know, there are the pits connected by underground sections. If so, they could be places to establish human shelters on Mars, they could be enormous caverns, it is another of the interesting and mysterious places on Mars.

At the moment there is no active volcano on Mars, the last eruption is about 20 million years ago, but the core of Mars is still hot and there will surely be pockets of magma under the surface, although the crust of Mars is much thicker than Earth's because Mars, being smaller than Earth, has cooled more quickly, the crust of Mars is much thicker and the earthquakes are also much softer.

The most intense earthquake recorded by NASA's Inside Probe is level four on the Richter scale, meaning it would be within normal earthquakes here on Earth and many of the earthquakes are suspected to be the product of asteroid or meteorite impacts. and also of collapse in the cliffs.

Official website

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