The Haunted Memories of childhood


Hello!!! I am Dr. SMRITY RAUNIYAR. When I was a little kid. My family moved from Nepal to India. We lived in a place called @GaneshBagh in Manipal, India. Everything seemed fine until one spooky night.
The beginning of a terrifying chapter.
Our new home seemed ordinary at first, but it soon became the stage for inexplicable events that still haunt me today.

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It was a night like any other when my father was on night duty, and I was eagerly waiting for him to return so that I could play.

At midnight, around 12 or 1, a strange beckoning from my sister's room shattered the silence. Despite her gestures, something inside me hesitated.

My sister, who was supposed to be sleeping, called me from her room. She was nodding her head and waving for me to come over. But something felt off.
when I realized she was already sleeping next to me!
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My heart raced as I realized the impossibility of her presence in two locations simultaneously.
How could she be in two places at once? Shouted
Terrified, I cried out for my mother, who dismissed my fears as a bad dream.
So, I also convinced myself thinking it might be a bad dream.

But the weird thing is the next night, I saw my sister again in her room, waving for me to come over. It was creepy. I was too scared to go near her room after that.

Desperate for answers, I confided in my sister, hoping she could understand. However, her laughter only deepened my sense of fear. It was only when my mom scolded my sister for her mean joke that I started to feel a bit better.


Yet, the fear persisted and got, intensifying with each passing night. Unable to shake the feeling of being watched, I lived in fear, refusing to enter the room where the Ghost had appeared.

Things got worse when I kept seeing strange things at night. It wasn't until a priest performed an exorcism that the truth began to unravel. Discovering a long-sealed room within our house, we confronted the Bad energy that had plagued us. that's where the spooky stuff was coming from.

after the priest did the ritual's completion, the scary things stopped happening. but the scars of that haunting experience remained etched in my psyche.We also left India and moved back to Nepal.


But I still wonder about that ghostly figure. Even now, I'm scared of the dark and always keep my lights on at night.

To this day, I grapple with unanswered questions

  1. Who was she?
  2. Why did she single me out?
    3.what was in the seal room?
  3. Why just I Used to see her? why not my sister?

But now that we're grown up, my sister and I look back at that time. I still get goosebumps when I remember my terrifying childhood memory, but my sister just laughs at me...

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