Cigarette Smoking and The Deleterious Health Effect Posed by its Addiction.


Greetings Friends, I hope everyone is really good.
In this article, I expatiated certain challenges that smoking could pose to our health, and I believe we will benefit from the publication after going through.

I believe that possibly all of us are familiar with the concept of smoking but the majority of us aren't aware of some of the health threat it could pose if one is given to its addiction.

Smoking has been a habitual factor that has become difficult to curb in the life of many individuals, it does not count on one's rate or level of literacy for him not to smoke despite the malignant and deleterious inscriptions that is boldly spelt out on different cigarette packs.

I used the word habitual factor above which is the major issue in smoking. We must agree to the fact that any issue that has turned habitual could only be controlled possibly within the short run but in essence, it has a long run or lifetime effect on anyone who has been addicted to the habit.

For instance, no one can survive without food. This makes food an addiction to Life. Consequently, this is also the case of an individual that is given to smoking. It doesn't matter whether he/she is either a medical practitioner or not for him to quit smoking, despite having full knowledge of the malignant health challenges it could pose to those that engage in it.

Some of the factors that could lead to smoking

There are varieties of factors that have led to this addiction, they include: geographical factors, peer pressure and biological factors.

Different individuals got into this addiction because of the deteriorating climatic condition of their environment. For instance, the winter period is usually a very cold season which could lead someone into thinking of just sipping a stick of cigarette and the adage that no house was finished in a day then surface.

There are those who got into smoking given the kind of association they gave themselves to which is usually what we call peer pressure. This has been the leading factor in smoking. Most people were nurtured in good homes without any trace of irresponsible life from parents but the associations they finally gave themselves has finally corrupted the tried-and-true life they were initially inculcated.

Finally some other people started smoking because almost everyone in their home is addicted to it. There are different homes where both the father, mother and in most cases the extended families are smokers. It is rarely possible for one who hails from such a biological environment to eschew smoking.
All these are some of the factors that could lead to addiction in smoking.

I have also observed that It doesn't count on whether one is a clergy or laity for him to indulge in this self life neutralizer but this seriously calls for strict self discipline on the side of those given to this cataclysmal habit.

Some of The Health Effects in Smoking Cigarettes.

It is speculated that one in every five persons that die in the US is addicted to smoking cigarettes.

It poses a great threat in reducing the lifespans and further deteriorates the health of those given to its addiction as it virtually harms different organs of the body system.

Recently, research has underscored that smoking cigarettes has prematurely killed the majority of the US citizens than war and some other viruses coupled with environmental hazards like; accidents and pollution. This is to show the intensified health challenge in smoking which people must circumspectly desist from.

Smoking cigarettes can lead to other diseases like heart associated diseases (cardiovascular disease) which poses a great threat to how blood is pumped from the heart through the blood vessels to the entire body system.

Smoking cigarettes can also lead to stroke given to the malfunctioning of the heart as a result of smoking the underscored substance. Well, we know that stroke is as a result of the constraints meted against some parts of the body on the course of inadequate blood circulation to those parts of the body.

Majority of people have also died of lung cancer given their habitual approach to smoking cigarettes and other related substances.

Smoking cigarettes can malignantly affect the respiratory system thereby causing difficulty in breathing as a result of blockages in the airways of the body.

Smoking cigarettes can pose great threat to men's sperm, thereby causing infertility and in most cases, it poses imminent miscarriages and birth defects in children.

Measures in Controlling Health Challenges Posed by Smoking Cigarette.

In the course of my research, I observed that the best measure to abscond the consequential effect of smoking is by quitting.

I have also observed many smokers always given to drinking substance like soda water, which is just a mixture of different chemicals and most other persons are given to chewing bitter kola (that's to those who were able to access it) but in all these, the best way to upend this societal health menace is simply by quitting.

Many health advisers who fully understand the health implication of smoking still give themselves to this hazardous trend even at the height of their exposure to life and education but then, one has to discipline himself in order to evade this dilapidating health menace which has the power to scuttle lives of those that are given to its indulgence in the society.

Nonetheless, I wish to draw the curtain of this health enlightenment publication at this point. I believe that we learnt something reasonable. Let's make our lives pleasurable by heeding to good health counsels that have the potency to elongate and help life to be spent in optimum. Thanks for going through bye.

Reference; Center for Disease Control

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