Review on Acid and it's properties.

Chemistry has a lot to say about acid and salt, there are various types of acid, the organic acid that can be found in citrus fruits the lactic acid that can be found in Sour milk and the ethanoic acid that can be found from vinegar, the also the palmtic acid that is found in palm oil and the inorganic acid that includes tetraoxosulphate ant hydrochloric acid.

What is Acid?

In general acid is the substance which produces hydrogen ions when has the only positive ion when dissolved in water also acid can be referred as a proton donor which is the ability to donate a hydrogen ion.

As described there are two types of acid the organic and the inorganic denorganic are mineral acids which can be prepared from mineral elements.

Power of acid.

The strength of acid is determined by the extent in which ionization happens in an acid when is dissolved in aqueous solution, there must be a complete ionization that produce proton which is known as strong acid.

When acid undergoes partial ionization is becomes weak and it has low concentration of hydrogen ions and an example of weak acid include ethanoic acid, ethane1 and doic acid.

Physical properties of Acid/ chemical properties.

Acid turns blue litmus paper to red and it have sour taste, strong acid when concentrated are always very corrosive.
While the chemical properties includes that acid reacts with metals because they give off hydrogen on reaction with active metals except trioxonitrate (V) acid which is a strong oxidizing agent.

Also lead and copper cannot liberate hydrogen with dilute acid because lead gives off hydrogen with hot concentrated hydrochloride acid but copper does not.

When it comes to reaction with bases, passage react with alkalis and insoluble bases to form salt and water and this reaction is initialization reaction.

How to prepare acid.

The function of acid has to do with direct combination reaction of elements like when hydrogen gas react with chlorine gas in the present of activated charcoal as The catalyst also when hydrogen chloride gas can be dissolved in water to produce hydrochloric acid. Source

To produce hydrobromic acid hydrogen gas is heated up and bromine vapour in the presence of platinum as catalyst which produces hydrobromide gas and forms hydrobromic acid when dissolved in water.

Can acid be useful.

Acid can be harmful and as well useful, for example Tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid can be used for the manufacturing of detergent, fertilizers, drugs explosive plastics and dyestuffs..
Hydrochloric acid are also used in preparing chloride and laboratory reagent while ethanoic acid can be used for packaging materials or producing fiber for cloth making, they can also be used for food preservative.

Process of Neutralisation.

Neutralization happens when hydrogen ions of an acid completely reacts with an a possible amount of hydroxide ion of a base tthen produces under associated water molecules and corresponding salt of the acid, an example of this is hydrochloric acid reacting with sodium hydroxide.

When dibasic acid react with a base it's goes on to produce two moles of water and heat of neutralization will be doubled, such heat evolved is 2×57.3kJ=114KJ. And it produces one mole of water if half mole of tetraoxosulphate (IV) acid react with sodium hydroxide (NaOH)
But when weak acid or weak bases is involved in neutralisation the reaction will always be less than 57.3kJ due to partial ionization.

Visit my next article for more information on acid and salt.


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