A journey into Cell Biology: Exploring Cell Structure, Functions, and Processes.

Lets take a trip into cell biology,

Ofcourse cell biology is an interesting study that gives deep explanation about the world cell and how function and build the blocks of life.

The cells act like microscopic powerhouses and they have a major role in growing, repairing and development of tissues in living organisms.
Cells have different shapes and sizes and they provide basics for every biological processes that takes place.
The cells where discovered by Robert Hooke and Antonie van Leeuwenhoek in the 17th century, through the use microscope he was able to find out some tiny slices of cork, Leeuwenhoek can be said to be the first who saw living cells like protozoa and bacteria.


Lets explore cells a little and lets get to know its functions and its processes.

Facts about cell structure

All organisms are made up of cells and cells has two major categories which are the eukaryotic cells and the prokaryotic cells.
Eukaryotic cells are mostly in animals , fungi, plants and they contain nucleus with different organelles.
Eukaryotic cells are made up of different components which includes plasma, membrane, cytoplasm nucleus, it also contains some organelles like endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus and mitochondria.

prokaryotic cells are made up of no nucleus and no membrane -bounds and different organelles.

Nucleus plays a major role of a command center or a control center of the cell therapy putting the genetic material into DNA, and those DNA forms chromosomes.

Metabolism is one of the cellular process that works hard in breaking down nutrient to give energy to any living organisms.
Lets look into how each cell gets information.

Cell communication

Just like physical company needs to good communication to perform well so does the cells in the body to function well,
Cell has a complex signaling pathway in which they communicate with each other, this method helps to keep accurate record the physiological processes going on in any living organisms.
A cell releases hormones and neurotransmitter and bind it up to a particular receptor from another closeby cell,this crucial communication is important for processes like growth, body development, immune response etc.

Honestly i was amazed when the first time i learned this, i was thinking how cell got to know that they need to communicate to ensure everything is going well.

Effects of cell biology in medical field

Studying cell biology helped so many scientists and doctors to discover so many disease and the doctors also through cell biology study discovered so many treatment and development therapies has been discovered.
Some disease like parkinson's disease was discovered during the study of stem cell, and also some stem cell researchers has gone as far as looking out for a way to repair damage tissues and restore organ functions.

Cell biology helps for proper investigation of cellular and molecular of a particular disease, then through cell biology techniques with the cell, body fluids or blood a proper diagnosis and prodiagnosis are carried out, cell biology techniques helps to know the level or severity of the disease.
Some of those techniques includes microscopy, radiochemistry, spectrophotometry, cytometry and fluorescence.
This techniques has been really of great benefit to the system because they do not just fish out the abnormal cell they also help in finding out why and the causes of such abnormality.

New drugs come out everyday through the help of cell biology, after a proper diagnosis with cell biology techniques then a specific medication or therapy will be introduced for such disease.
Drugs are not one size all but each system has some medication it reacts too, cell biology made its possible to analyze the system or the patient's cell and know what that cell really needs in order to repair and also the list of medicine that system will be reacting to.

In conclusion cell biology has done more good than harm and till tomorrow researchers still dig more deep to see other things that can be done through the help of cell biology.
Thank you for stopping by.


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