Tendon and ligament injuries

In our body we have a large number of systems that are connected even when they are distant. In the case of the bone and joint system, we have a set of elements that are closely linked to each other to allow us mobility, where we can highlight the bones and muscles in the first instance.

But the smaller pieces, which are those that allow the transmission of force between bones and muscles have a high frequency of injury, such as tendons and ligaments.

These fulfill transcendental functions in the mobility, and much is spoken of the fractures, but it is not always clear how these main structures are affected, let us first understand how they are related to each other and later let us see how they can be affected.

Pexels/ Author: Tima Miroshnichenko

Let's start by defining each of these structures based on its function:

  • Ligaments: these are types of tissues that connect the bones to each other in a joint (sprain).

  • Tendons: these are a type of very resistant tissue that connect the muscles to the bones.

This implies that they have an indispensable function in the mobility of people. Because on the one hand the ligaments generate the stability of the different joints, they confer strength, and in the case of the tendons they are the ones that generate the movement itself by serving as a piece that transfers the kinetic energy of the muscle to the bone, making that when the muscle contracts the tendon pulls the bone in which it is anchored and allows the whole limb (leg, arm, hand, etc) to move.

In spite of the great resistance and stability that our osteomuscular system has, we can make some movements that injure them. Independently of the age these injuries can be present, and in general terms the treatment in both cases is the immobilization, unless there is an injury that implies total rupture of some of the elements, that of being thus, the surgery is the recommended thing.

Pixabay/ Author: Parker_West

I really like to use logic to understand what is going on so that I can find the solution quickly and without complications. Although the latter is relative, of course. But based on what I have been able to explain above, it is clear that it can produce the injury of any of these important joint elements.

In the case of ligaments, which are responsible for providing stability to the joints, holding together the bones that compose it, logically if there is a rupture or injury the stability is compromised.

And if it happens that it is the tendon that has some kind of injury, but not the ligament, stability may not be compromised, but mobility is. However, I must emphasize that good mobility always requires the indemnity of both elements.

Well, the lesions in both cases can be total or partial. Most of the time they are partial, that is, there is a minor injury, rarely a total rupture is achieved, fortunately. But a minor injury without proper care can go to a total rupture with even permanent sequelae.

creativecommons/ Author: CC BY-SA 4.0

When I say that it can be partial or total, I mean that these injuries are divided into degrees. In the case of the image above you can see that there is a partial tendon injury, which is called a sprain. This heals very quickly actually, but if proper rest is not maintained it can go to something worse, which is what should be avoided at all costs.

It is also possible to find complete tendon injuries, those where the tendon breaks completely, even separating from the bone, which necessarily requires surgery to insert it in its place, for which even stainless steel suture is used.

In both cases the indication is that of immobility, preferably total immobility of the affected limb. Yes, of the whole limb. If there is an injury in the Achilles Tendon, (posterior and inferior part of the leg) that is of the most common, basically it is necessary to immobilize the whole leg, because it happens that when we move a joint we also put in movement the rest of those of the same affected member.

Pixabay/ Author: ThinKin_MKDEABH

Tendon injuries are more common than ligament injuries, however both cases are of care and can produce many limitations in the person who suffers it, even if it is a small injury.

The best thing is to avoid these problems, be very careful when walking, usually these injuries occur or doing some kind of sport or -most of the time- by walking watching the phone, which makes people do not see some unevenness in the ground and end up stepping wrong and get injured.

There are also some situations in which people may have a certain predisposition to have such lesions, such as diseases where there are weaknesses in the tissues that make up these elements, such as collagen diseases, for example.

As I always say, most of the time things can be avoided, however, people are not always aware of it, perhaps thinking that nothing will happen to them and they end up being careless and disasters happen.

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