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Sepsis, a true medical emergency

Yesterday I shared a content in which I explained a complication that usually occurs in people who are in bed condition, such as pressure ulcers pressure ulcers and among the possible complications is the fact that some local infection occurs in the area of the ulcer, but this could go to a higher level when we talk about sepsis.

I announced that in my next publication, this one, I would talk about what sepsis is, what are the complications of this condition, how it is generated, what it implies and everything that happens in the body when it is in the presence of a septic condition.

If you want to know more about it I invite you to continue reading, I assure you that it will be very interesting information and explained in an easy to understand way, therefore, continue until the end that what I have to tell you will surely interest you.

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To talk about something it is always best to define it, so let's define sepsis:

"Sepsis is a systemic response to infection that can lead to organ failure and death." Sorce

But What is the difference between an infection and sepsis?

An infection is the invasion and multiplication of microorganisms (such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, etc.) in an organism. They can be localized or general and can manifest themselves with symptoms such as fever, pain, redness, among others.

Sepsis, on the other hand, is a systemic inflammatory response of the body, caused by an infection, source which can lead to failure of various organs and systems and can be life-threatening. Sepsis is a serious and potentially life-threatening condition that occurs when the body overreacts to an infection. It is characterized by a systemic inflammatory response, impaired blood circulation and failure of various organs and systems.

This is just the introduction to what I want to explain in detail about what happens in the body when sepsis occurs.

Pixabay/ Author: Andrea Piacquadio

The cause of sepsis will always be an infection, as it is the body's response to an infection, which may be viral or bacterial. It can be caused by any type of infection anywhere in the body, such as pneumonia, urinary tract infection, skin infection or gastrointestinal tract infection. Sepsis can also be caused by an infection that has spread from another part of the body, such as a dental infection or an infection after surgery.

The pathophysiology of sepsis is complex and not yet fully understood, but it is known to involve a cascade of inflammatory reactions and clotting that can lead to failure of various organs and systems.

Before we continue, let's define what inflammation is, it is a response of the immune system that aims to protect the body from infectious agents and cellular damage. It is a complex process that involves the activation of immune cells, the release of chemicals and the formation of blood clots.

And it is here, in this protective response where the problem lies, because when this occurs locally, for example, in the leg, or in a finger, we can say that it is controlled, the big problem occurs when this whole response is triggered at the level of the whole body, that is why it is potentially fatal.

Pexels/ Author: Pixabay

To understand what is happening in the body let's look at the pathophysiology of sepsis, which is divided into two stages:

  • The early stage of sepsis is characterized by an acute (rapid) inflammatory response. The body releases certain chemicals, such as tumor necrosis factor (TNF) and interleukins, which attract immune system cells to the site of infection. These cells, along with the microorganisms and infection products, activate the inflammatory and coagulation cascade.

  • The late stage of sepsis is characterized by a chronic (permanent) inflammatory response. The inflammatory cascade remains active and can cause damage to organs and systems. The most commonly affected organs are the heart, lungs, liver, kidneys and central nervous system.

  • An example of what happens:

  • The heart may fail due to overwork and decreased blood flow to the tissues.

  • The lungs may suffer damage due to inflammation and fluid accumulation in the alveoli.

  • The liver may suffer damage due to accumulation of toxic substances and decreased blood flow.

  • The kidneys may fail due to decreased blood flow and accumulation of toxic substances.

  • The central nervous system may suffer damage due to swelling and fluid accumulation in the brain.

As you can see, there is no organ that is not affected, and therefore death can be expected when a septic process sets in on a patient.

Pexels/ Author: Anna Shvets

This is a subject that I am particularly passionate about, because it involves many aspects of clinical medicine, and it is a situation in which every minute counts. You have to be very clear about the protocols of care and treatment is exclusively in hospitals, as patients require intravenous medication, among other types of care.

Treatment of sepsis focuses on identifying and treating the underlying cause of the infection, and treating the symptoms of sepsis with the goal of preventing or reversing organ and system failure.

  • Treatment of sepsis includes:

  • Antibiotics: are the main treatment for sepsis caused by bacteria. Antibiotics help kill bacteria and stop the spread of infection. The type and dose of antibiotics are determined by the suspected infectious agent and the susceptibility of the bacteria to antibiotics.

  • Intravenous fluid therapy: it is important to maintain good perfusion of tissues and organs to prevent organ and system failure. The goal of fluid therapy is to correct dehydration and increase blood volume.

  • Organ support: medications may be given to treat specific symptoms of organ and system failure. For example, diuretics can help reduce fluid accumulation in the lungs, inotropes can help improve heart function, and anti-inflammatory drugs can help reduce inflammation.

  • Treatment of the underlying cause: it is important to identify and treat the underlying cause of the infection to prevent recurrence of sepsis. For example, if sepsis is caused by pneumonia, it is important to treat the pneumonia with antibiotics and other medications.

  • Intensive care: persons with severe sepsis may require care in an intensive care unit (ICU) to treat organ and system failure. Patients with severe sepsis may require mechanical ventilation, dialysis, and other treatments to maintain vital organ function.

It is important to note that treatment of sepsis must be prompt and aggressive for the best chance of recovery.

Pexels/ Author: Markus Spiske

As I mentioned at the beginning, mortality is potentially likely when a case of sepsis occurs, but varies depending on the gravity and rapidity with which appropriate treatment is received.

Mild sepsis has a mortality rate of 4%. Moderate sepsis has a mortality rate of 9-30%. Severe sepsis (also known as septic sepsis) has a mortality rate of 30-50%. In cases of sepsis (very severe sepsis) the mortality rate can reach 50-70%.

However, it is important to mention that these figures are general estimates and the mortality rate may vary depending on several factors, such as the age of the patient, the underlying cause of the sepsis, the presence of chronic diseases or comorbidities, and the speed with which appropriate treatment is received.

I hope this publication makes it clear to you what sepsis means in a patient suffering from sepsis, and additionally the responsibility of healthcare personnel caring for someone under these conditions.

If you have any doubts, suggestions or contributions, please leave them in the comments and we will all benefit from them.