Remember Napster? Never lose a good idea...

Seeders & Leechers; Those were the days...

Napster.. The Original P2P app! - image source

Back in the day, us nerds would share with each other. There wasn't really a "copyright cartel" back then that we had to worry about. 😳

What is Peer to Peer (P2P) technology used for?

  1. Disclaimer: In my opinion, you probably shouldn't download/share stuff illegally.
  2. P2P in the Napster context means: If I have the file you are looking for, I will share it with you. If you have a file that I want, you'll share your copy with me.
  3. For streaming audio/video content: 💡 Consuming streaming media online typically requires a fat internet connection at the web hosting provider. However, if that streaming site offers P2P streams, then the load on their network is radically reduced and it improves the user's experience tremendously. For example: I'm watching this video, so are you guys and every byte of that video that I've downloaded now gets shared with others, thus improving everyone's experience 🚀

Sometimes I miss those good'ol days of making a "tape" for a friend, or getting a pirated copy of Paint Shop Pro so I could do some design that Microsoft Paint could not provide for me. I guess growing up poor had its good side too, as it forced me to look for alternatives (hence my infatuation with web3 tech today!).

Napster and its P2P technology is not just for Nerds!

Enter "Web3", the nerdiest nerd-tech ever ;)

P2P video platforms are unbeatable

The future is Web3, unstoppable, distributed media and systems. Combine P2P with a public, immutable blockchain like Hive, with the Fediverse network, with RSS, and you now have a REAL "Dapp".

If you've not heard about our "HiveCast" dapp yet, please check it out. The HiveCast tuner/aggregator leverages all of the above and then some, and is poised to take massive market share away from the web2 platforms like netflix, spotify, youtube and apple podcasts. Access any streaming media online from one easy to use app.. No more walled gardens!

As you can see above, P2P streaming platforms are unbeatable.
Seeders and Leechers FTW 💪

Why should I use P2P technology though?

  • If you host streaming media, I recommend you implement the FREE Hive-Tube back-end onto your servers. This will save a TON of money in bandwidth, server hardware, labor expenses, and improve your quality of service to your customers!
  • If you like to tune in to streaming media, I recommend the HiveCast tuner. HiveCast leverages the power of hundreds of Hive-Tube hosting companies as well as RSS, the Fediverse and Hive networks.
  • We're nearing completion and will be Open-Sourcing HiveCast via our DHF Proposal.

No more walled gardens! P2P FTW! 🚀🚀

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