
Yesterday I did not manage to write a post, but I decided to participate in this competition, albeit with a delay.

This will be a short post so I just want to show you the beauty of handmade work I saw in one store. These are small handbags!

They stood high on the shelves and at first I thought it was just for decoration. But then I considered that these are real handbags just small in size.

Since it was high my phone was unable to take good photos. But these handbags were beautiful. I think they are made of genuine leather.

In Israel, leather goods are very expensive. And if these products are also handmade, then I will not even ask their price.

Each of the handbags is a true work of art! I really enjoy looking at this, but I would never buy any of these. I have nowhere to go with such bags and, to be honest, backpacks are more comfortable for me.
There were also handmade jewelry. I like these with balls.

And in the next store there were such funny handbags.

I would probably buy just one of these: they cheer up and are quite inexpensive. Of course, each of us has our own taste for bags. There is a wide choice and you can buy something that suits your budget, lifestyle and mood.

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