Greenpeace vs Shell Oil | UK General Election: How the Parties Fare Environmentally and Other Manifesto WFPB Bits

So the joke was a bit lost and will also be if you use a front end other than PeakD. Also posting in Market Friday, possibly another lost cause. (Note: WFPB = whole food plant based).

Greenpeace vs Shell Oil


I was sitting down with a cup of tea, taking a break from being poorly, when a video short popped up in my feed about Joe Lycett suing Harry Styles for some silly nonsense. I'd got caught by the first part of this story in another video short (it's what happens when you're poorly and your attention wanders) and mid-chocolate trifle, I was in-for-a-penny-in-for-a-pound.

Anyway, long story short, Joe Lycett has licensed his painting of Harry Styles to Greenpeace and they are selling it on a range of size-inclusive t-shirts made from organic cotton and manufactured in a renewable energy powered factory to help fund their court case against Shell Oil.

Get your Harry Styles Greenpeace x Joe Lycett T-shirt

See the daft video promoting it.

See the gateway video that gets you hooked.

Donate to Greenpeace

Sadly, after nearly seven years on-chain, I still do not know how to embed a link into an image. But this link will get you there if you want to donate.

UK General Election: Manifestos Environmental Score

The screenshot for this wouldn't load, so here's the link.
TL:DR - Green Party - 39; LibDems - 31.5; Labour - 20.5; Conservatives - 5.
Claim your SBI in the comments if there were any surprises in there for you (like you thought "the Conservatives would be much higher").

Other Manifesto Meaty WFPB Bits

This General Election has been so boring (The Conservatives are stuffed, Labour are too stuffed-shirt to say anything in case they scare the horses, Ed Davey (LibDems)has been doing his best to educate and entertain us, the Greens launched in a shed, Plaid Cymru had a vote of no confidence in their leader and the SNP had a new leader altogether a fortnight before the election was called).

The viewing figures for The Sun's interviews with Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer came in at 7,000 viewers against the Euros opening match of 10 million viewers. Never mind betting scandals and the timing of gratuitous "good news" drops in inflation, I reckon the General Election was deliberately called against the Euros to minimise just how dreadful it all is.

Nigel Farage has done his best to ginger things up, first saying he wouldn't stand, then a shock declaration that he would before picking a fight with Boris Johnson for the coveted spot of putative leader of the right. Lots of lovely sound bites appealing to large parts of nostalgic middle-England, before a few simple questions reveal all the holes in the arguments and complete lack of any form of implementation or funding plan.

But look what's happened: Labour has relentlessly kept to the mainstream of the economy and public services and not allowed itself to be drawn into culture wars and niche arguments. So far, so good and a large majority predicted. A Labour government returned in less than five years after the biggest defeat of the past 100 years in 2019 is some turnaround. Props.

Meanwhile, the smaller parties are all lining up with some remarkably similar (some might say left-leaning) policies in their manifestos including:

  • net zero climate change targets by 2040
  • free adult social care and more spending on the NHS
  • abandon Trident
  • remove 2 child benefit cap
  • no company can hold more than 20% of the media market
  • Phase 2 of the Levenson enquiry
  • remove VAT on cultural activities and
  • call for immediate cease-fire in Gaza.

Loved one of the polls which forecast Conservatives at 73 seats and LibDems at 65 seats. Fabulous turnaround if the LibDems became the Opposition. I wonder how the country would look in five years?

Finally, a flicker of interest.

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