Market Friday: Samostically & Peaq Visits Next

Yay! Another Market Friday story of mine. During the week, I went to NEXT with @peaq. It was a lovely experience. I urged her to share her post on Market Friday community which was created by @dswigle.

You can also tell us your market day story too. I do my best sometimes to go through the lovely posts there. It is one way to see the world.

Welcome To Next!

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@peaq already wrote a very detailed post about this big supermarket. Her post was very interesting and filled with most of the pictures we took hahahahaha. You can read her post here;

A Trip to NEXT: Market Friday Edition! By @peaq

So my friend @samostically and I took a trip to a big supermarket called NEXT Supermarket located in a community in the South of my city. It was a fun ride as we sang at the top of our voices to our music playlist, and we eventually got there.

  • peaq

Indeed it was fun a ride particularly because of her. She did like to listen to very loud music and she has a very funny way of driving. When she is driving, she talks about everything on the road. The fact that i also like to talk alot made it lots of fun.

We got to the supermarket in the afternoon, 15:00 or thereabout. The entrance was peaceful and quiet. She wanted to get some items for her personal use while i wanted to have fun and see the supermarket. If i saw something i liked, I planned to buy or write it down and come back.

Please, Take A Picture Of The Throne!

The place was so big and alot of things came to my eyes immediately. She uses an iPhone and my Samsung can't match in terms of camera quality. So, I needed her to take pictures for me LOL. I later took some pictures with my phone anyway. I figured out later they weren't so bad because the market was bright enough.


I like this throne, looks cool to me. I only do see such quality in the movies.

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I love the sculpture pictures, At first she took the picture from far. But because i loved it, I convinced her to take another from close range.

Books, Books , Books

The first aisle we explored was the personal care aisle as I wanted to restock my toiletries which range as low as $2 and as high as $50 per item in this section. The next aisle we visited was for books as I was looking for a particular book, “The Art of War by Sun Tzu”.

  • Peaq

As big as the market was, I really wanted to see how their books were. I knew If there was something i would buy from the supermarket, it had to be a book. I recently told @macchiata that i would join her in reading at least 3 books every month.


One book that fits my reading interest was Daniel Goleman's Emotional Intelligence.

it is a book that talks about how emotions plays a role to success just like IQ.

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It would be difficult to find any particular book here as there is a wide range of books in this market. @peaq was particular about the Art OF war . Interestingly, I have read the book a long time ago. It is one of those books i fancy, just like books written by ROBERT GREENE


Just as you would see in her post, we explored different parts of the supermarket. It was was as it was labelled and everything department was traceable.

One particular one i also liked was the furniture department. I loved everything i saw there. There were also art works beautifully designed all around.


We spent alot of time there and bought a couple of things at the end of the day. According to her post;

There were a lot more aisles and sections but we were working with time and could only explore so much of the Supermarket as it would require several hours to carefully explore it. We spent a little over 3hours there.

3 hours! I Actually felt it was more.


This is was one of the many pictures she took of me. I wasn't getting my picture game right LOL.

I Would Have Bought Your Jersey

Nicholas Pepe plays football for Arsenal fc. I've been a proud fan of the club. I have two jerseys already. However, I don't mind having more. Problem was, they only had that of Pepe and he hasn't been playing well for the club. I wouldn't buy his Jersey till he starts playing well.


Next Time On NEXT!

Yes, there would surely be a next time as we couldn't explore every part. It is a great place to visit.


I also would love to take some great pictures to post at @elmerlin 's LikeTu.

Have You Posted @liketu Before? is a picture based front end on the hive Blockchain.
You can monetize your pictures and at the same time flaunt those pictures!.

Post from the front-end and your post might just be supercharged with both likes, emojis and $hive.

The End

And yes, that's my version of our visit to Next. Feel free to check @peaq's detailed post and also to drop comments below.

Images were taken with @peaq's iPhone, Some, with my Samsung A21's.

Thanks for Reading!


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I am @samostically,I love to talk and write about chess because i benefited alot from playing chess. sometimes i share my thoughts on life in general and i write about my love for hive!
I love to engage with others and i love communication.I believe life is all about staying happy and maintaining peace.



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