Market Friday - Visiting Lidl in Poland

Hello Market Friday Community,

It has been a while since my last post and while I have been visiting a few different markets and shops, I didn't take any photos and make a post about it. Today that changes.

This week I was visiting Poland (I came back on the train earlier this week) and thought that my shopping experience in Lidl might be a good shop to include for a Market Friday post. Lidl is usually much better abroad as they usually have many more nicer products than they sell in Germany. Better brands and more interesting local products for example. In Poland it was no different, it is much better for sure imo.

My wife was not too happy though as I was embarassing her taking photos as we were shopping in Lidl. She mentioned, no one was going around taking photos of the freezers and fruit and veg etc.

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First up they had a good selection of fruit and veg available and prices seemed quite reasonable. Although mostly the family we stay with buy from local farmers markets as it is cheap and fresh. The farmers markets in Germany and usually expensive and trendy ones, so I don't usually visit them.

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I know everyone likes coffee, so I thought I would checkout what they had to offer. Here there were many large packs on offer. We often buy coffee here to take back with us to Germany as it costs at least 50% cheaper because in Germany they have a coffee tax. Totally mental I know. Almost as crazy as having a sugar tax!

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As I am a tea drinker and don't drink coffee, I found this nice mint tea that they have here. I however picked up the wrong one with mango which didn't have any mint in it, so will have to go back and get the mint and cherry one that I had my eye on. The price was 7,99 Zloty, which is about €1,80.

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Next I found that they had Heinz baked beans also for 7,99 Zloty. This is similar to the price in Germany, although we can get a 4 pack for around €3,50, so not such a good deal.

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Things were not so popular in this aisle. I skipped it also.


Further on I found more coffee which I would buy when I drank coffee. It costs 22,99 Zloty which is around €5,20.


Lidl in Poland had a huge selection of different beers and alcoholic drinks. Far better than Lidl in Germany. I would never buy beer in Lidl in Germany as they have such a poor choice and Germany has so many nice beers. Here a can of beer cost 3,79 Zloty, which is around €0,90. Prices are similar to Germany here.


I have seen they have many alcohol free beers that I also like to drink sometimes. Lech is a nice beer and I should do a Saturday Beer post for it soon.

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In the freezer section, they had a large selection of ice-creams and single ones that you could grab. My wife took some for the kids.

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At the checkout they also had lots of sweet things which could tempt the kids as you are passing! lol I skipped through quickly here.

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Our final purchases here. All in all I don't remember what we paid as my wife paid. But I have a soft spot for pineapple juice, so those are mine.

I hope you enjoyed my impressions from the shopping trip to Lidl in Poland. I think I also made a post from when I was in Croatia last year and this year I will also try to do one from Italy just to keep the consistency. 😅

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Images are my own.

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