Finding hidden treasure

We've been so busy mopping up and helping the neighbours that I forgot all about my favourite Easter treat - Hot Cross Buns! I usually have a couple of packs stored in the freezer, but not this time, because of the nasty Cyclone ISSA!

The 2 kilometre drive to the shopping centre can take up to an hour now, because so many roads have not been cleared of mudslides and debris and some bridges have simply caved in!
Quicker to walk I know, but the trip back with a heavy bag of groceries is not a job for a Silver!

We needed to get petrol today, so hubby had to go out but the roads thankfully were not as jammed!

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Our awesome general worker decided to stay home for the weekend and not go to the farm with his Dad; he is super protective of us and realized there was much mopping up to do.

More importantly, is the set of car keys that had his gear-lock key on; an expensive item to replace; he has a spare set of car keys, but nothing for the gear-lock!

However, hubby and our worker decided to search for the keys as it was quite safe and there was nothing left on that side to collapse.

It turned into a kind of treasure hunt digging in the area where most of the cottage contents lay buried under rock, bricks, concrete, and soil!

The stuff he found that could be salvaged of course was full of mud, but could be cleaned and used again - bed linen, a rechargeable lamp that although muddy, surprisingly still worked!

A small wad of cash notes was quite a find, buried under the rubble; a little wet and muddy but could buy you a couple of bags of food ;) So this young man is going to be very happy when he returns on Monday and sees at least some of his belongings returned!

He was digging very carefully and as he moved big chunks of concrete, he started hearing cellphone beeps coming from underneath the rubble!
It was the lost cellphone, and it amazingly is still alive!

All of that has been lying there for nearly four days, but still had enough charge to come alive!




All kinds of other minuscule stuff was found, but the car keys are still lying somewhere underneath all that rubble! I think we're perhaps a tad too hopeful as it's like searching for a needle in a haystack!

So... this has been a very different kind of #marketfriday, but I think @dswigle, that wonderfully supportive lady, will enjoy a good chuckle at my shopping in the mud!

This also is day 15 of my attempt at #Hiveblopomo, an initiative of the awesome bizzy Queen Bee @traciyork, encouraging all Hivers to write a blog a day for the month of April. So far, so good, I'm halfway there!

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