RE: Market Friday: Bermuda's Hidden Charms

Wow… Bermuda. Yes, what a place. It looks stunning Denise 😁🥰
I wouldn’t mind visiting one day.

What a view that must be from the rock. It already looks amazing from the angle you are standing 😁
Seeing a cave like that always fascinates me. Been in a few so far. And they all look differently. Great capture of it. I like the water beneath it. It adds to the photo.
The book shop just looks cute. To bad they are slowly disappearing everywhere.
Very cool to see the art on the public toilets. It so adds to the overall look and feel. They are doing that well for sure.
Seeing the pink beaches… stunning.

Yes, crime did pick up also in other countries… hope we get back to a new normal soon. Now traveling is picking up again it should. We will see.

I think I found hidden charms of the beaten path. We only saw 3 major touristy sights. Everything else was far away from the busyness 😁

My market Friday post today : “Market Friday” ~ Covered Market Saint-Quentin, Street Market and other Shops in PARIS FRANCE 🇫🇷

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