Market Friday - Roaming around the mall.

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Lead image was edited using Canva.
Photos are mine

It was just last week when my sister informed me she will be having a vacation as her employer allows her. She's been working abroad for I think four years. I was totally in a rush as I only had a week to prepare at work as I will be going home with her. After office hours I opted to visit the nearest mall to buy some pasalubong (presents) to my Mother. I was just roaming around after I bought something for her when I passed by this thrifted shop.


Before the pandemic, my friends and I would sometimes visit some shops like this. Though I know some are not fond of buying second hand clothes, well all I can say Not us. We are actually enjoying scanning the display items then we would compare our best finds. Honestly I am not that patient when it comes to that and it was always my friends who would pick something for me. Yet, this time I was alone. No friends with me as they opted to go home in their provinces when the pandemic happened.

The moment I stepped inside the shop the first thing that I saw were these tops and dresses that only cost around $4 up to $5.8. I seldom wear pants so I checked out some dresses. I find it more comfortable with it aside from my pants not seem not to fit anymore, lol. I mean you don't need to think or get stressed about what top to wear. You know how we ladies sometimes find it complicated.

There are also some denims but of course with broken sizes, jacket and sweaters , shorts and trousers. The quality of the fabrics are still okay and I could say it was worth the price. I started to scan all items on display. Usually, I find it hard to choose what I want until I find this dress.

I like it as it seems to compliment my skin color. Not only that it looks so cool to wear; see the design at the shoulder area? As someone living in a tropical country this will be great to wear in summer. Also if it is not fitted, my tummy will feel comfortable.
So I took the dress for fitting. I was kinda excited as I already visualized what shoes to be paired as well as blazers just in case I will be wearing them in the office.
Only to be frustrated as it doesn't fit. It was too short for me, reaching only at my midthigh. I am always taking public transportation so it is not advisable to wear them. I felt so disappointed to just return it back to the rack. I already felt too lazy to scan the display again so I decided to leave the shop.

Just a few steps away, I saw this massage chair. I'd been feeling that my back ached so I avail the service. $2 for 30 minutes.


Of course the massage from Spa is still better than this as they know exactly which body area to be pressed. Unlike in a machine that somehow you need to adjust your body. Thirty minutes is already enough to somehow relax those muscles at my back.

After that, I checked some earphones and the usb cable for the charger at Japan home centre. I am always careful with my things but I always get these two damages. I think it was because I sometimes fall asleep while using my phone. The earphone was on my bed and perhaps I rolled on it while sleeping. I did buy some in through online shopping but it was only okay for days.


Got the black color usual, my favorite color.

Hello Hivers! This is my entry for #MarketFriday by @dswigle.

Date published: 09/10/2022

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