A NEW ONE IN TOWN~~~Farmhouse Market

Small town USA has its ups and downs, but I guess everywhere you go, small businesses are struggling. Yet just a week ago I was traveling on route 41 south to visit the town of Vestal to do some antique shopping when I came across a small market.

When I say small, I mean tiny, but with some interesting stuff. The best part is that from my farm to this new establishment is just about 12 miles, which up here equates to about 12 minutes. You can't beat a country mile, you hardly need to use your brake, except for maybe a tractor coming out of the field.

So, let's go shopping.

This was the sign that made me stop

This had to be a new business I thought, I had traveled this road many times and I knew my eye would have caught those words.
Turns out, this little venture by Jenn, we said our names as we met, had started this place just a few months ago. She and her husband were raising chickens for both eggs and meat. Free range and drug free. Nothing but clean feed.


There were a few more signs that I liked.

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That being said, I bought our Christmas Tree. It was the first one I had ever bought on my own. I was so proud of myself, with just a little help from Jenn, we managed to get the tree into my SUV.

But I wasn't done shopping just yet, with homemade jellies and jams still on the shelves, fresh bread and some Christmas gifts still to be picked up, I went on a roll.




Cute stuff.


I grabbed some of her goat milk soap, it looked good enough to eat.


From gifts to groceries. How on earth would I ever pass up the chance to buy fresh chicken, grown the way they should be, fed with good grain, fresh air and sunshine.

I took one home.


I returned to this cute little place a few days later, once we sampled the chicken and the Christmas jam, I knew I wanted what Jenn was selling, plus I really do believe by supporting these small local shops, we are helping to put food on everyone's table. It's a good feeling.

Here's the real kicker. Most of the time the owners are working in the hen house in the back of the property, not close to their little shop, yet they keep it open and trust people to just leave the money for their purchases in a box in the shop.


There's a notebook there to write down what you bought and how much money you left. Simple as that. She even gives her number should you need change.

There is hope for us, we just have to get back to trusting each other to do the right thing.


Small town USA.


I believe that all people have goodness in their hearts, we just have to let it shine through, we have more in common than we think. We are just trying to live our lives the best way we can.

Accepting others, even if they don't look or dress like us is so easy to do yet so important. In our area there are many Amish families that dress in simple clothes, most of the woman wear black bonnets, long black dresses, with shawls around their shoulders. They ride around town in horse drawn carriages to deliver their goods.

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I have to tell you, they make the best goat cheese around, the cheddar and blue cheese are delicious also.


Breads, pies and cookies are brought out to the Farmhouse Market on the weekends, some beautifully decorated sugar cookies were on hand when I visited so I bought some to put on the grandkids Christmas packages.


It was a fun #marketfriday but I may just visit the Farmhouse Market any day of the week.

Merry Christmas to our host @dswigle, thanks Denise for this yummy community.



Much Love,

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