Out of Business Market Friday

Hi fellow Hiveians,

Today I wanted to share my first #marketfriday post!


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Out of Business Market Friday

I've seen quite a few people in my list of people I follow post on some #marketfriday jazz but for whatever reason, I didn't partake in it! I had visited a local department store for the crazy sales that were going on and got a few pictures of the offerings so I figured I might as well turn it, and the story that goes along with it, into a #marketfriday post!

This business, Rotmans, is one that was started by one guy many years ago with a passion for selling things and he was good with furniture so he ended up opening up his own furniture store. It's funny because I've never been there until sadly the place was going out of business! When I drove up, I thought it was just a smaller place inside or something but I was moseying around the place and then it just kept on going.. and going.. like the energizer bunny LOL. It turns out the place is 5 full floors of a massive warehouse full of furniture! Holy shit that's definitely the biggest store I've ever been in I think. Absolutely several hundred thousand square feet of stuff!

I had gone into the place in search of a couch of some kind, given that we aren't going to be moving out of the current place we are living in for a while so we figure why not get a couch and make it feel more like home instead of a college apartment lol.


This business situation is sad. When I was walking around the store, I was curious as to what was going on with the place and why they had to sell the business. The place was massive and it had several dozen sales employees so it seems like they were doing quite well for themselves! I overheard one of the associates though. This guy built a multi million dollar furniture business, local to and exclusive to New England, and he has to sell the whole thing and close it all down because he doesn't have anyone to pass the business along to! That broke my heart to hear, putting your passion and life into something and in the end you have to get rid of it all and sell the business because nobody is there or wants to take it over from you so you can retire.

I think the same situation happened with one of the craft stores in America, JoAnn fabrics maybe? Or was it Michaels? I forget which one it was, but it was a craft store and the family member(s) that inherited it didn't want to deal with the hassle of the business and sold it all off. That's terrible! I wonder if it has anything to do with laziness of the generation or what, but if someone built something so big, it's only respectful to keep it going!

The place though, Rotmans, had all kinds of crazy and beautiful looking stuff. What was amazing was that so much of it was so expensive lol I was shocked! There were definitely high quality things all over the place but I didn't expect to see authentic, hand-made Persian rugs! I don't know squat about the rugs themselves but I do know if it's a real one, they garner quite a bit of money to buy one!


The thing was giant too lol I was like whoa what the hell? I don't even think this thing would fit in our living room! Lol. Definitely someone who's got quite a bit of money and space would be the group that would buy this thing up!

The details on it are so intricate and incredible. I can't imagine spending four years stitching the thing together, that is absolutely an art form and likely one that will not remain for very long with how much people try to do things fast and automatic. These handmade things are certainly ones that decrease in numbers of being made I think.


I was completely blown away though when I looked at the price tag on the damn thing! 24,000 dollars on sale?!?! Holy shit batman that's crazy money to spend on a damn carpet lol. That cost more than my car! I then almost choked on my breath when I saw the full price of the damn thing was over 80,000 dollars LOL holy crap! If there is one thing I can guarantee, unless I've got as much money as Musk does, there is no damn way in hell that I would be buying a damn 80,000 dollar rug! Lol


Supposedly a family member of ours has an authentic rug but I am doubtful of the legitimacy of that claim. If we ever get it one day though, I will be sure to try and get that thing appraised after seeing these insane prices! I would sell it in a minute I think, given how much the little man makes a mess in the house hahaha he would totally spill some stuff on it that would stain it! We don't keep nice things in the house specifically for that reason lol.

As sad as it was seeing the business in the stages of closing, I was glad that I did get to visit it once and wonder at the sheer size of it all and pay some mental respects to the guy who started it all so many years ago with just a passion and business idea. Those don't happen too often these days I don't think!

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