A magical mystery Market Friday found in a box full of books!

Hi there everyone I hope that you're well on this fine #MarketFriday!

I tries my hardest to get this post in here on Friday and was so lose to finishing it, but had to run off to work before I could, then we had our work xmas party last night and well, I'm sure you know the rest...😜

Anyway, as I was telling @dswigle a few months ago, I had found a treasure trove of goodies from previous markets when I was cleaning out my Mum's cupboards and I wanted to share them with you here.


I can't tell you exactly how old this box is that has protected these books for all these years, but I can tell you that it's atleast 50yrs old.


This box contains some of my favourite childhood stories by my favourite author, Enid Blyton who wrote the best stories ever.


And as you will see on the date in these books, they're from 1955 and before, so they could be as old as that!


The Secret Seven and the Famous Five were a huge part of my childhood, not only because these were the books that I read, (well not these copies anyway..) but the stories themselves were, because even though we didn't run around solving mysteries, we did run around, climbing trees, building treehouses, making mud pies, and all kinds of wonderful outdoor activities and mum had a hard time getting us all home for dinner because we were all so happy out in the summer night sky playing.


So who was Enid Blyton?

Well she was probably one of the 20th century's most prolific writers of children's stories- both narrative long and short fiction aswell as poetry.

and you can read so much more about her here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enid_Blyton


And as far as I'm concerned, she wrote the most entertaining, enthralling, imaginative, colourful, adventurous and fun stories ever!


I also think that I was totally jealous of each of these characters as they had such exciting lives and were all such good friends too.


These weren't the only books that had a big impact on my childhood events either.


But they are probably what got me into reading so much when I was young, realizing that mystery stories were my thing, because eventually I was reading Nancy Drew and Trixie Belden and believe it or not, but I learnt a whole lot of stuff from those books, ofwhich has helped me through later life.



Things such as apple seeds are poisonous and that's because Trixi Beldens Brother had a girlfriend who got sick because she was munching on the seeds in her daily fruit salads.

This is a true fact https://healthfully.com/apple-seed-toxicity-5438400.html


My interest in reading mystery stories stayed with me throughout my childhood, into my teens and now even into my adult life.


Unfortunately, I don't get time to read anymore, but when I do, its my other favourite author, Clive Cussler- RIP, another author famous for his meticulously researched action adventure mysteries.



But I digress. Here we are to talk about the matriarch of the Famous Five and the Secret Seven and all of her wonderful characters and stories that will live on in the minds and the hearts of adult children like myself.


Unfortunately the age and the purchase of this box of goodies is a mystery that will unfortunately remain a mystery forever because mum is not here to ask anymore and dad didn't even know that they were there!


And guess what, I just found another box of my childhood books too!

I can't wait to open it on my next day off to see what mysteries it holds too!

So when you next go to the market, make sure you look out for your own books of treasure, especially in thrift shops- that's where you find the best and even the old, rare books that are worth a lot of money too!

So who doesn't love an Enid Blyton story because there may well be some more to come- especially considering that I did always dress up as the Naughtiest Girl in School... 🀣


I hope that you enjoyed this little trip back to market history and mystery with me!

And if you don't see me for a while, you'll know that I have fallen into the pages of these gems again! 🀣

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Thank you so much for reading my post, I really hope that you enjoyed it and look forward to your comments and thoughts.

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And unless otherwise stated- ALL photographs, all media, material and writings, are all my originals taken by me sometime in the past few decades or so somewhere in my travels and as such, ofcourse they are subject to all international IP and copyright laws and I may have already used them for my own commercial purposes here https://www.redbubble.com/people/CHOCOLATESCORPI/shop And here https://fineartamerica.com/art/chocolatescorpi, So please ask first if you want to use any of them as we wouldn't want you getting into trouble. Thank you 😊

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(cause we're allsuch damn cool cats...😁

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