We went to a busy market on a Friday morning.


We went to a busy market on a Friday morning.

My mom and I went to the market in the town proper to buy some important stuff for the house. Eversince I was a child, I remembered vividly how super excited I am when going to the market with my mom. It became our favorite bonding. And up until now, this is the bond that I am always excited to do and we promise to practice at least once a month.


Today we bought some basic necesseties for the kitchen like spices and comdiments. We stopped first to the wet market to buy some onions and garlic for the kitchen. My mom was the one on the photo who was choosing good quality vegetables. Choosing the best quality of veggies is her specialty and we all know that its also an adult things. lol


Upon walking in between of many stalls of vegetable inside the wet market, I could see how green and fresh the vegetables that were being displayed on their respective stalls. There were fresh carrots, lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, onions, and garlics. I am amazed how vendors keep their vegetable still fresh and green.



After buying all we need to the wet market, my mom asked to go with her inside the supermarket or a grocery store in out town. We went to the well known grocery store here in our town named Ramrod Supermarket. This supermarket was the one where we bought the condiments that we need for everyday use like soy sauce, fish sauce, oild, and even vinegar. We also bought some snacks of my little sister like biscuits and juice.

After buying all we need, we just fell in line in the counter to pay. And since its holiday season, the line was so long. Everyone were preparing for holidays I guess.

And then after we paid for our grocery, we just ride a tricycle going home. Tricycle is a common way of transportation in my province. And I always enjoy riding this vehicle as it gives a nostalgic vibe everytime I got the chance to ride this one.


That's all for today loves! See you again on my next market friday! I appreciate you all so much! Gracias!
-chica valiente

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