A Glimpse to a Fiesta Celebration - Stores and Products

Thank God it's Market Friday! I just love Fridays. It's the start of the weekend, my favorite time of the week and I love sharing my market experiences in this community. So I am sharing another #MarketFriday thanks to @dswigle for this wonderful community.

It's seems that fiesta celebration series is not yet over! We still get invitations here and there. Everyone has been watching out for their health as they may encounter some health issues such as highblood pressure due to frequently eating pork. It is this time of the year that it's so hard to follow one's diet plan.


Who could say no to this flavorful, delicious, crunchy, oily, roasted pig? The star of every table. It can't be fiesta without this lechon.

Aside from eating and bonding with with friends and relatives over foods, drinks and just merry-making, another beneficial side to fiesta celebrations are the markets it create. It provides opportunities for businesses and people to earn. Food businesses are the ones who made much from this celebrations. Some are local talents that get to showcase their talents and get paid for talent shows and cultural shows. The sound system owners that earn bigtime when rented during shows and disco, the trasnspostation system that gets busy due to flocks of people, the nomad store owners, food carts and just all other small businesses that comes to life only during this day.

The Nomad Stores

I call these "nomad stores" since they don't stay at one place. Where fiesta celebrations are held, these stores will pop up and stay there for a week before the exact day of the fiesta celebration. Then they'll move on to another town or barangay where fiesta will be celebrated.

One indication that a town is celebrating its fiesta soon are these nomad stores installed in specific areas in town where they are allowed to do business for a specific period. They stay there for a week or two.

Usually these stores sells dry goods like toys, household wares, clothes, accesories, and a variety of other products.





My favorite products sold here are items which would serve as souvenirs for this fiesta celebration like...

accesories or we call it burloloy

cute waterproof stickers

or these cute purses.

These products are so tempting so if you don't intend to buy anything from them then you better keep distance from these stores. 😁

The Vendors from Other Places

On the day of the fiesta celebration, vendors from other towns or places also come to our town take advantage of many people coming to town. They would usually bring their carts or position their products in area where there will be an event and people would gather. For example in the gym where there is a basketball game, or in the parish grounds where a ground demonstration is done.

Many of these vendors sells food products like this...

Sweet corn's aroma that tickles your taste buds


Mouth watering indian mangoes


Rehydrate with water on this hot summer day


Colorful cotton candies for the kids
and the kid's at heart


Other vendors sells toys and balloons knowing there will be young kids coming with their parents. They know parents can't say no when kids wanted one. Saying no can possibly lead to some commotion and parents don't want that. 😄 You better not bring your kids here or ready you pocket full so there will be no problem dealing with your kids.



Candles are sold here since part of the tradition is to light some candles at the altar and say a prayer.




Here's my candle lighted up and said my prayers for myself and for my family.

These are common scenarios in places here in the country when we celebrate our fiesta.

Until next fiesta celebration. You are invited. 😁

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