The First Journey By Subway...The First Christmas Fair... The First...

The advantage of being young, even very young... more than young. As is my only granddaughter, Ilinca. She is just over three years old and has much, much to discover in this world.

The First Journey By Subway (in her life)

The other day it was time for her to take the first subway ride of her life. It was a surprise for her, especially as we had no way to prepare her for it, she simply didn't know what the metro or any other kind of public transport meant. The only transportation she knew so far was in our arms, a little on foot, a little in a stroller, and in a car.

Those are the times now, most children are driven by their parents in cars, for time-saving and greater protection.

I was a little nervous that she was going to freak out on the subway train but it turns out she didn't, she felt safe between dad and grandma but was very curious about everything around her. Subconsciously it worked though, seemingly by accident, but I think not, she chose to take a first aid kit (toy of course)!

I also put this photo because you can see a bit of the train car. I can tell it's vintage. These trains that run on the metro line that connects the neighborhood where we live with the city center are the trains that have been running since the beginning of the metro in Bucharest in the 1980s. They are more than 40 years old, I can say they are history.

The inhabitants of the neighborhood where I live..., in fact, some inhabitants, especially the young people, are less civilized and less eager to keep and take care of the common goods. I think this is one of the reasons why we have these old trains.

Up to the chosen destination of this ride, we had to change three trains, short distances, fortunately. Eventually, we arrived and Ilinca quickly learned to ride the escalator, as she quickly learned to enjoy it...

I think you noticed the way Ilinca is dressed. I want to state here that it is her choice. She is three years old and she chooses her own clothes. She is very determined and if she has chosen something, a combination like this, with a ballerina skirt put over her trousers, then no one can convince her to dress otherwise. It seems unbelievable but that's how it happens. When she goes to kindergarten, she dresses just the way she wants, even if she doesn't choose clothes that match the temperature outside. This isn't a one-off, it's becoming commonplace in kindergarten... The teachers told me that the little girls often come to kindergarten, of course, brought by their parents, in winter too, in bathing suits or pajamas under their coats. I've seen that only girls have this problem...

Childhood, early childhood, is something incredibly beautiful and exciting. Interesting to see how a child discovers the world, the reality around him, without knowing anything about what is going to happen. I am fascinated by the fact that when parents take their child for a walk, that child knows nothing about where he will end up... I try to imagine myself being in the child's shoes, leaving home and not knowing where I'm going to end up, what's waiting for me where I'm going to end up, not knowing if it's going to be good or not..., in fact, having complete trust in those who take me somewhere!

Ilinca was expecting a big surprise and a new novelty in her life. The first Christmas fair!

Two Christmas fairs were opened in Bucharest. One in the city center, in Constitution Square, i.e. the square in front of the Parliament building, and the other in a park. We chose to go to the one in the park, for several reasons. One was that we knew that this fair was less crowded and with a bigger space and the other reason was that this fair was built by a company from Cluj, the same one that organizes the famous music festival, famous in Europe, called Untold. They are good professionals with a lot of experience.

Before entering the fair, I saw the park's trees decorated with lots of colored lights and Christmas greetings in several foreign languages and I guess that helps me now to wish everyone...

Craciun Fericit, Merry Christmas, Joyeuses Fêtes, Buon Natale...

The First Christmas Fair (in her life)

We arrived at the fair. We chose to make it at night so Ilinca could see all the colorful lights. I have to say I chose to photograph with my phone, because it's much more comfortable, in night conditions and alert movement. Because of this, the quality of the photos is not the best possible.

As I expected, it was not crowded. A mix of millions of luminaries in a place devoid of light, of course, a condition that the luminaries be brought to the fore. The tree is no longer the tree of yesteryear, I mean a real tree. Now it's just the form of a tree...

Unfortunately, there is one big absentee from these holidays and this fair... snow. The white of the snow and the glitter of the snow would have reflected the millions of lights and created a magical place. Unfortunately...

The main purpose of any fair is to sell. Beyond the colored lights are dozens and dozens of small shops selling everything for everyone.

Ilinca learned extremely quickly, almost instantly, to become a customer and a buyer. She bears a striking resemblance to her grandmother.

Prices are insanely high. Ilinca chose a biscuit that cost $6. A simple biscuit! We learned quickly from the experience and tried to keep it away from the other stores, which we noticed from a distance!

It is a tradition for these fairs to have a small ice rink. Ilinca isn't interested... yet.

It is also a tradition to have a carousel. Ilinca hasn't been alone on a carousel yet. She saw it from afar and was delighted.

Obviously, like any girl, she was as indecisive as possible..., or was she as determined as possible?

Choice no.1

Choice no.2

Choice no.3

In the end, she chose the calabash pumpkin.
She would have liked to get out of there too, but luckily she listened to our desperate pleas to stay there.

Popcorn is always a big temptation. A temptation that Ilinca can't resist...

And yet, not the popcorn, not the carousel was a big passion. French fries. Walking French fries! In fact, they were Belgians. A magical attraction, Ilinca forgot all and sundry.

You probably don't believe me, but I have proof...

But the surprises didn't stop there for Ilinca. It was her night, no doubt! In the distance, something is moving...

This is another obligatory presence at Christmas fairs. I have seen this at the famous fair in Sibiu, and at the fair in downtown Bucharest. In this fair, in front of Ilinca's eyes, I think it's the highest wheel in the Romanian fairs.

I am afraid of heights, and so is my son (Ilinca's father). I wouldn't get into something like that willingly. Ilinca doesn't know what that fear is!

My son had no choice but to say goodbye to us. Ilinca didn't understand why...

Then they disappeared into the heights!

It was some money spent for nothing ($5), but at least it was cheaper than Ilinca's cookie of choice at the entrance to the fair. Why do I say that? Because Dad was afraid to look down and Ilinca was totally unconcerned about reaching those dizzying heights and only cared about the popcorn in her glass. Fortunately and as you probably already understood, it all ended well, it was a happy end. It's time to leave the Christmas fair.

The fair stayed behind and looked smaller and smaller until it disappeared. The metro station appeared instead.

A place that has already become familiar and pleasant for Ilinca.

I'm also posting this photo of the train in this area, a modern and civilized train, in contrast to the train running in my neighborhood. However, there is something special about our old train too, at least for me. It reminds me of my youth when my son was Ilinca's age.

Ilinca was again happy on the train, she was not nervous about the speed or the noise and was not at all impressed by the other passengers. As she doesn't have a smartphone (yet), she played with the biscuit she bought at the fair and, of course, carefully observed all of us around her.

It was a pleasant evening, marked by the discoveries made by Ilinca. There were many highlights for her. There were many that were for her... for the first time in her life. Now that it's over, Ilinca looks back with sadness.

I wanted, now, before Christmas, to write, for @dswigle and her #Marketfriday, about a place where everyone buys something. Another commercial face of Christmas. I ended up writing more about little Ilinca, who has stolen the story, without her wanting to.

And yet...

I wanted to show another image of the city where I live, Bucharest. I want and try, with each post, to show something that can interest a visitor or a tourist. Even what a Christmas fair looks like. A lot of people travel to discover a different Christmas fair than the one they may have near them.

Finally, it should be a flower. Instead of a flower, now it's time for the Christmas tree!


Traveler to the city where I live is what I've been doing for many years, that is, I try to show what is more interesting, more important, and not necessarily what is more beautiful in the city where I live. I don't bypass the ugly places or the sometimes uncivilized behavior that I try to explain through the history of these places but I focus especially on what I think a visitor would like to see when he arrives for the first time in Bucharest. Bucharest, the capital of Romania, a member country of the EU, is located at the crossroads of Central, Eastern, and Southeast Europe. I'm going to use this tag #traveltomycity and then put these places on the Pinmapple map for those who want to discover them more easily!




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