Blurt is shite - Hive is awesome

Occasionally something comes along that feels right. You know that feeling: A homecoming after a long absence, a cup of hot chocolate on a cold, rainy day, slipping into a bed made with freshly washed sheets, the moment you realise the person you've been dating is the one. It's a beautiful feeling and, if a person is fortunate, they will experience it from time to time in life.


The image source

I remember feeling that way about Hive when I first found it not too long ago.

I found a place to share my experiences, travels and thoughts and a place where others did the same. I found a place where so many interesting people interacted, shared and enjoyed the company of others from all over the world. Hive felt like a place I could call home, a community of people all open to the others, happy and willing to understand that despite our differences we're all simply people with similar likes and dislikes, and different ones too.

Nothing is totally ideal though and I came to the understanding that some people were very unhappy about the downvote process. I think some people see it as censorship however I see it differently, basically as disagreement and you know what? Disagreement is ok.

In life people disagree, there's no need to engage private investigators, the FBI, lawyers, the leader of the local boy scout group, the NSA or the Pope to understand that. Disagreement is a human thing because not everybody will always like or not like the same things. Disagreements happen and if you think it's not the case you're deluding yourself, or just delusional.

It's ok though, we don't need to lose our minds over it and we certainly don't need to hate others for it, write or say slanderous things or generally compromise our state of mental wellbeing over it. Disagreement is part of life and it's worth accepting it rather than trying to fight it like a spoilt child with a rotten brain, heart and soul. I've seen this happen on Hive and it's ugly, especially when that non-acceptance blossoms into hate, derision and actions that could be seen as completely non-sensical.

It speaks poorly of a person's character that they would take such action and it only serves to destroy rather than build. Destroy what? I think a person's mental health for one, attitude, happiness, credibility and overall wellbeing on Hive and in their personal life also. It also only serves to destroy the community. Hive I mean.

Fortunately those that do such things are very few and far between on Hive and, luckily for us and Hive, they are heading over to Blurt where downvotes don't exist.

Here's the thing though...Nothing much does exist on Blurt.

It's totally shit on blurt.png

It seems empty, like it has no soul. I'd imagine it's the type of place satan might like to reside, to linger, spreading putrid, fetid garbage, smelly farts, and that runny, dribbly shit that leaks down the legs when a person has a bad case of diarrhoea and shit standing up. It seems slimy, dirty, and not in a good way, but in a, should go to the doctor and find out what this puss oozing out of that sore on my sexual organ is, kind of way. Forgive my description, I just don't know how else to say it.

I guess, I'll just stick to the basics and spare you the stinky, brown, festering, pond scum reality of it. Basically, Blurt is shite.

Hive is awesome.

I hope you will forgive my poor command of the English language and writing ability. I try my best.

It's totally shit on blurt.png

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