4 Days Later aka Bathing Like a King

4 days have passed, since I last posted on here and I'm still in the process of moving house, even though I have spent most of the nights in my new place, since I first opened the red door, 10 days ago.

In fact, yesterday, I cycled up to what is still my apartment ( 5 more days to go ) and eventually ended up spending the night there.

I also spent a couple of hours in my creative studio, located in the same street, about 50 meters away from my soon to be 'previous' house.

Although my initial plan was to cycle back to my new place, yesterday afternoon, I decided to change that plan and make use of the opportunity to enjoy my apartment for a little bit, while I still can.

To be more precise, I decided to spend a nice amount of time soaking in a hot bath, have pizza for dinner ( I have no oven in my new house ) and watch a movie afterward ( on my perfectly sized wall to project a film on ).

Let's start with the bath.

I ended up chilling for about an hour in the amazingly warm water. I added some extra hot water, after a while, to keep the temperature nice and cosy.
And, I almost forgot, I decided to have some espumante (brut) sparkling wine and even some snacks ( dates and walnuts ) to go with the bath, let's call it an aperitivo

( I shared the joyous 'Bathing like a King' moment with good friend @clareartista , as I know she appreciates these kind of things ).

Aside from the fizzy alcoholic drink and the healthy snacks, I was also wearing headphones, listening to classical music, in order to tune out the barking dog and other street noises.

In my new place, surrounded by a one hectare garden, there's hardly any noise ( aside from one neighbor's dog that barks, every now and then, in the distance ) but, in all honesty, the bath is quite a bit smaller and I ran out of gas - and thus warm water - a couple of days ago. Let's say that not owning a car and living 20 minutes on foot away from the nearest shop/ cafe/ place with gas bottles, getting new gas is a little more complicated than it used to be in my apartment ( in the main street of a small city ). So I will have to make do without hot water ( although I can heat up some water on my gas stove ( that one still has gas in the bottle ) for doing the dishes, cooking and washing my face.

Anyhow, two small glasses of espumante, while in bath, sure did the trick.
In fact, I almost fainted when I was about to step out of the bath, probably due to the heat and the alcohol and had to sit down and wait for my heart rate to lower a bit, before I dried off and dressed up.

Back in the living room/ kitchen, I started to focus on the pizza, so I could get to the ( watching the ) movie part, something I was looking forward to ( said the cinephile ).

As mentioned previously, I don't have an oven ( as of yet ) in my new place, hence the pizza. I made it super yummy by using all my favorite toppings or basically those my mom used to put on her homemade pizza ( tomato sauce, salami, green pepper, mushrooms and cheese, sprinkling all that with a nice amount of oregano and thyme.

I can't remember whether I ate the entire pizza, before I watched the movie, but probably 3/4 of it. I basically wanted to do one thing at a time and actually enjoy the pizza, while being focused on it and not hardly tasting it due to watching a film.

I sure did enjoy this meal.

The film I watched is a classic from the 1970s ( probably my favorite decade in film history ) and definitely one of my many ( I probably have about 200 of them ) favorite movies, namely the adaptation of an awesome book ( that I also read ) by Ken Kesey: One Flew over The Cuckoo's Nest, starring the notorious Jack Nicholson and many other great actors.

Although it must have been the 4th time that I watched it, it must be said that I hadn't seen it for at least 10 years and, although I know it pretty well, it once again made an impact.

I don't cry easily ( and that is an understatement ) but, several times throughout the movie, a couple of tears left my eye(s) and ran over my cheek.

If you've never watched this flick, make sure to give it a chance, soon.

It's amazing.

Anyhow, I made the mistake to also eat some chocolate and have anoter glass of espumante ( my third ) and ended up not feeling great ( it's not always an advantage to be a hypersensitivosaurus ) but I managed to stop the sugar and alcohol ( with sugar ), in time, and forgave myself for the indulgence.

Today is a new day and I basically countered it with healthier food and drinks and some more cycling.

Right now I am sitting next to my ( salamandre ) wood burner/ stove in my comfy chair ( if you've missed my earlier posts, here's what I'm referring to, writing this. If my Internet permits me ( it's quite unstable here in the countryside and probably due to this house's thick walls ), I might watch another movie. if not, I will probably read some before bed.

I hope you've had a nice day yourself ( in fact, today wasn't too nice for me but I prefer not to get into that, it's already past tense and yesterday sure was ) and that my 'bathing like a king' story might inspire you to be kind to yourself.

Until next time!

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