It is life they call it...

I now seem to understand why some people just think they should just be wicked or be a bad person instead of being a good one . Reason is, they think being a good person sometimes don't yield a better reward but when you are a bad person you get a better rewards.. But trust me, the both, either the good or the bad has its own benefit if you do them...


Talking about this topic, I am a living witness which I really agree that sometimes when you tend to act good to people, then end up misusing the opportunities which they have for another thing there by trying to play on the persons intelligence and making the person look like a fool.. it all happened that I was away from home yesterday night and around some minutes past 11pm, I got a call from the neighborhood but I was not close to where my phone is when the phone rang...


I decided to call the line back and notice it was my neighbour calling and I asked what was wrong and he told me my apartment was robbed by some gun men.. Immediately,I was very scared even despite not been at home. And the reason for this is because the case of robbery is now very much around that area.. so I was very scared and confused. I had to call many people around the know the situation of things but from what I heard, it was a though situation..

After some time after trying to get the real information about the event that happened, I later got to know that all the stories that has been pulled together was all a prank and I was very infuriated.. who does that??? I called those that called me and they all could not pick up the call and to some that picked up, they were looking some excuses to back up the wrongs they did and they were never admitting the facts that they were at fault but instead, they wanted me to come begging them for the wrong they did..

Some of them realised what they did wrong and they apologized immediately but some didn't so I was left with no choice that to just let them be on their own and face my own thing.. How on earth with you prank someone with that kind of thing?? We all just need to be careful with the kind of prank we do not to do the one that will affect Anyone or get us into problem...
I just believe for what ever thing that happens it is a lesson we are learning from it because this incident made me know that for them to have said this, I need to be double sure of my properties and ensure that I secure it very well and never to let it loose out to the open air..

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