This Post will be Edited

I have 5,429 top-level posts on this chain, this being my 5,430th. I have written about many topics over the years, but there is one thing I don't think exists - a "Deleted" post. You know the ones where someone has accidentally posted too soon, or the wrong information and then they delete it? Yeah, not one as far as I can remember.


Even though I am generally careful before submitting, it is not that I have never made a mistake and posted too soon, or the wrong thing at times, it is just that there is absolutely no need for it.

If you don't know how it is impossible, I will let you in on a little secret that everyone knows.



I know...

Fucking Amazing.

You know what that means?

You can Edit!


You already knew that, because you used that amazing little function to go in and change whatever the original post was into something that now says,


Why not just edit the post to say,

Oops, I screwed up here, but stay tuned, because the post I was meant to post will be added here soon!

And then, what really tops it, is when a few minutes later, the "real post" is added as an all new post.

I don't get it.

For those that don't know, the only part of the post that can't be edited is the URL for a particular post that has already been posted, But, that really isn't an issue that anyone has to worry about at the best of times, let alone for the "odd mistake" where the post-load was blown too soon.

It wasn't always the case though. Back in the day, posts couldn't be edited at all, so once they were on the chain, they were on the chain. But, now they can be edited constantly, which has its pros and cons, but is much better for a creator. Because, for me at least, I make a lot of typos, especially if posting from my phone, so I go back in when I notice something and edit it to improve it. This is because I do actually give a shit that if ten years down the track someone finds my work, they don't read it and say,

"This fuck didn't even care enough to proofread and edit."

I miss many still, but I do try.

Why the fuck do people allow typos in the headline titles?

I have made many, many, many typos and now that my fingers don't move as well as they used to and my head plays word tricks on me since the stroke, I make even more. However...

A little self-respect?

When I see people making a lot of typing errors and not correcting them, it just indicates that they don't care enough about what they contribute, which makes me think,

Why should I give a fuck about what they contribute?

Or perhaps, they don't realize they are making all of these errors, which them makes me think,

Why would I listen to this person?

When they benefit from autos and do this, it just makes me think,

I'll leave it at that.

There are lots of reasons why someone might make typos, like dyslexia, or the autocorrect playing silly buggers, or just oversized fingers, missing thumbs, sticky keys... whatever. But, since there is an edit button, why not correct them? Isn't it part of the presentation for the audience? If a creator isn't creating for the audience, what are they doing it for?

Oh... of course.

My point (other than just to rant), is that if someone actually cares about what they are putting on chain, they are going to make a little more effort and correct their errors when they pick them up - at least occasionally. For me, having a "Deleted" post looks crap in my feed, even if I am the only one who sees it, or cares about it.

I just wonder at times how entitled some people seem to get on this platform, not caring about what they post, not replaying to comments they get, not giving a crap if they get comments at all... they just come in, dump their crap and leave again. They can't find the reply or edit buttons, but they damn well know how to use the wallet functions.

Everything committed to the chain is on the chain forever, whether it is edited or not. An edit doesn't remove it, it just adds another version of it that links back to the original. That means, that this rant is on the chain forever too, so even if I change it to a pretty picture of a flower, laying underneath, referenced somewhere, it will be here.

As are all of those dummy spits of the past.

And anyway, I just felt like a bit of a rant, but hopefully, there was something in here that made you think or made you laugh, or perhaps, shed a little tear for all the crap this chain has collected over the years.

Talk about bloat.

[ Gen1: Hive ]

Edit: I changed the image. I like this one better and it is more fitting for the post.

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