Life 420 - A Crash Course

Some realization comes to you and play hide and seek till you catch up with them. Then there are realizations that stare down at you, glare at you till you acknowledge them.

Life is a weird genie.


I have learned the hard way that it does grant us our wishes, but most of the time we get too excited, our adrenaline kicks in, and we end up making wishes that we regret later on or wishes we don't want anymore. We still make the wrong choices, and it's not a bad thing - we have to learn somehow. And sometimes even after all the wrong choices are made, we still make more.

A guy walks into a bar followed by an ostrich and a cat.

How many of you have heard the joke before? Yes, albeit a funny one but resembles a lot here. I have seen guys wanting to date beautiful women and then it ends up blowing up in their faces - many women too date guys that are just not right for them. It's not my place to give relationship advice and I'll refrain myself from it. I have seen that although they want love and happiness, they don't ask for it. Again I am no guru. We presume that happiness eventually comes with that package - this doesn't happen most of the time. So when supposedly happiness doesn't come with the package, we wonder what went wrong.

Well, did you ask for it? And if you have, was it an absolute necessity?

"Don't put all your eggs in one basket" - no pun intended Egg. The basket is small and we end up putting all the eggs in there - one on top of the other. Then a few eggs get dropped and we're left with whatever is left in the basket. We chase after money and we get money - we chase after fame, and we get that too. Along these lines, we forget to ask for what we must, thinking it'll come to us even without asking. As it turns out the leftover eggs are unwanted ones. Are you forgetting life's a weird genie?

If you have heard the joke about the guy with the ostrich and the cat then you know what he did. That only concludes that we should be mindful of what we wish for. We can be sarcastic and hella funny but life will always have the upper hand. Regardless, life would still give us what we ask for - and like the guy in the joke, you may never run out of pocket change but if you get too hyped your next wishes may turn out to be an ostrich and a cat who refuses to pay for its beer.

So Life 420 is a crash course open for all - I'm not teaching when I'm a student just like you. And now I just realized - Do we ever graduate?

P.S.: Cheesecake is a priority - add it to your list.

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