Chapter 26 - Damn, I'm getting Old

A beautiful cake, sent from my awesome workplace


While visiting my family earlier, I came across this young fellow I used to patronize his mobile phone accessory store. He was an attendant then for his boss. Today he called at me, I looked back and saw him in front of a cart with mobile phone accessories. My heart leaped. I was elated. I gave him a broad smile and a thumbs-up. He understood. I saw the other lad, he was mending shoes and footwear. His boss used to own the spot, but Baba went AWOL. I had a conversation with him years ago, and he spoke about how he didn't have the luxury of schooling and had to hustle. I saw him, smiled at him, and gave him a little something. He was in awe 🤣. His joy was brilliant. This is probably the part where you wonder wtf I am rambling about. Well, I wanted to remind us of the literal meaning of Christmas: sharing. Leaving that extra change for the seller, giving a tip to the attendant, sharing that plate of Jollof with your neighbor, dashing that excess shirt, shoe, bag, etc. It's how Christmas can be well and truly celebrated. It's easy for us to get lost in complaint of the sheer despair and gloom of the state of affairs in the country, It is more special to offer and help. Christ is coming and he's like Santa. Instead of gifts, he shares happiness and uses the privilege to reach the less privileged. PUT A FUCKING SMILE ON SOMEONE'S FACE THIS SEASON
Also, happy birthday to me.
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