4 Years on Hive - Reflecting on the Journey so Far



It was a sunny afternoon in November 2017. I laid down on a mat thinking about random weird shit. I only just started phone photography a few months before then, and I was doing quite well. I got a call from @onos (of blessed memory) telling me about the the other platform (whispers 'steemit'). He told me about everything and how I could maximize my photography skill and even earn while I'm at it. I thought it was too good to be true but I agreed anyways, as he was a close friend of mine and he was brilliant. I eventually got on (whispers 'steemit' again) and started making posts about my photos and all. Fast forward past hardfork and to present day, I've being learned so much. I've made friends, good friends, I've being able to help a couple of other people get on here and I've been able to support myself too. I think I epitomize the idea of "get involved - get rewarded". You know, the idea of commenting, interacting, and participating in the community. We had a saying back then, "come for the money, stay for the community". I can confidently say that I have been part of different families. One of my ideologies of life is, "to be valued or get value, you must offer value". I've made it my mantra all through my life. Helping people, supporting, teaching, rewarding, reading, commenting, etc. I can't give people a million dollar upvote but I can read their work and comment thoughtfully on it. This was how I thrived till date. My desire to help and support people had only landed me to being a curator for a couple of projects on hive, something I would ever Cherish.



A few hours ago, I got a reply from @hivebuzz. "Holy shit it has being four years....." Four years of turmoil, struggles, joy (one time I got a huge upvote, 😂), sadness (one time I got no upvote on my hardworked photography post), etc. My story makes for bestseller don't you think? 😏 I remember one time, I was so sad and dejected, after seeing my previous three posts rack up $0.5. WTF, I worked do hard on those post. "I went around taking photos of flowers and all and this is what I get????!!!." That day, I wrote a post titled "if I was a whale" whingeing about hoe unfair life is and all that batshit. Ironically, whales came around and voted the post. It was like seeing light at the end of the tunnel.



I was going through my account analytics and I realized I've made over five thousand comments. Now that is something to be proud of. Ah wait, I've being yapping for way too long. Forgive me, it just feels good reminiscing. Remembering my friend who is gone now. Who I would never forget. I'm Using this opportunity to say thank you to everyone who has supported me during my time here, oh wait, I'm making this sound like I am retiring or leaving hive. Haha. No I'm not. Thank you guys for the support, I hope you don't stop. 😉 I've made some amazing friends too. Shit. Enough talk. Thank you guys cheers. Till next year, when I make another similar post.
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