What's your business ...?

The last things that really frustrate me in life is people who's shows a some extra interest in my activity or in my life or who try to get involved in my every matters. I do not know what exactly are their business by getting so involved. They are not going to be part neither they going to help me in any way. They keep pinpointing in my every matters. And also they shows a lot of interest in whatever I do. And that really make me furious.


The situation in my life is such that, even if I goes to temple, people started to ask going to temple? why you go to temple? ..or when I goes to market, they are the one who again start asking similar question. Even few of them were very much interested to know what all things have bought from market?. What I have eaten and so on...
The situation is such that even I get angry with theer regular questioning, I could not revert a single words.... they are too older in age and replying them in negative means, I am open mouth person. Or I am not good person. I do not know how to respect elder people. My situation is like living on a two edge sword. In any way it going to hurt me. Few times I avoided such question, but again that does not matter to them.


Life sucks when people shows much interest rather than minding their own business. They are more care for their own privacy, few times I tried to give them back, what they do to me, but they plays out safe. Or may be I could not be like them. Being a younger at home, means we have certain limitation, so we are not supposed to Infliterate into other life. What I noticed is that they wanted to make fun of other life by knowing about them. Which make me more furious.


By now you might observed, I am writing this piece in a furious mode. Just to calm down myself. Sometime life becomes so helpless that we are unable to do much except silently watching things....

What you would have done If you are in my situation?? Do you also like interest in others life? What fun do you get ?


Namaste @steemflow

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