Killing, Vengeance, Retribution, Peace and forgiveness.

I want people to stop dying.

  • Today I woke up and watched an interview of former US President Donald Trump when he was asked what his goal would be for a current war happening somewhere is the world.
    He said …my goal would be to stop people from dying.
  • The reporter asked him again, as if his first answer wasn’t clear. So he repeated himself by saying: I want people to stop dying.
  • This morning all I could think of was those words: I want people to stop dying.
  • All I can think of is that the world should cry out that we want people to stop dying.
  • We should all condemn the murder and intentional injury to civilians and other non-combatants anywhere in the world.


Vengeance and Retribution

  • This things called Vengeance and Retribution usually start like this:

  • First the left side kills someone on the right side, then the right side kills someone on the left side, and this just repeats itself.

  • This is the start of an unending cycle of violence and killing. I think we all know this, and I think all cultures have their children’s stories teaching us this is bad.
  • Yet who amongst us would not also say that vengeance is also justice, when applied on a very small scale, for very specific instances of murder? But applied to a larger scale is it really a good solution? Or does it make us feel better until the other side takes vengeance and then we are heart broken again?

  • The main question I have is this: If we had a choice between a few deaths on both sides or thousands of deaths on both sides would we not choose the fewest deaths by stopping the cycle of killing to save the lives of so many on each side?

Vengeance and Retribution will never restore the lives of the dead .

  • Vengeance can not restore life or bring peace. It only creates more death, more grief, more anger and it seems more vengeance. Vengeance only brings more vengeance, violence only brings more violence and killing only brings more killing.

  • Vengeance doesn’t bring peace, it brings retribution, and retribution doesn’t bring peace, it only brings more vengeance. Vengeance and retribution don’t bring peace, they just consume more lives. The appetite of vengeance and retribution for lives is like an unquenchable thirst.

  • One definition of insanity, is doing the same thing everyday, and everyday expecting a different result. Does this describe vengeance? Does this describe retribution?
  • When will this insanity called vengeance and retribution end?
  • Killing doesn’t stop killing, it only causes more killing.
  • When will the leaders or the people choose another option?

The children

  • I have read that the most universal desire in all countries and cultures is the desire to give your children a better life than you have.
  • In a situation ruled by vengeance and retribution, the life the parents give their children is one filled with violence and death.
  • This harsh, brutal and short existence is what parents are giving their children.
  • It is a terrible inheritance indeed.
  • I think that no sane parent wants this for their children.
  • I think we should stop using strategies of vengeance and retribution because those strategies only guarantee our children live a life plagued by random acts of violence, maiming and murder.
  • I think that no sane parent wants this for their children.

Light, Peace and forgiveness.

  • I know every war is complicated. But I think a few God given principles offer us a simple solution.
  • If we look at most Holy Books, they have two rules we can use in this situation.
  • Thou shall not kill.
  • Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
  • These two rules are simple and provide wisdom and solutions to complicated situations.
  • Darkness cannot light the darkness, it just creates more darkness. Only light can illuminate the darkness.
  • War cannot end war, it only creates more war. Only peace can stop war.
  • Killing does not end killings, it just creates more killing. Only forgiveness can end the killings.
  • Who is Forgiveness for? Not for thee, but for me.
  • Remember God says forgiveness is not for the person who kills, it is for the loved ones of the killed.
  • Forgiveness is the only thing which brings those survivors peace.
  • Because without forgiveness in your heart, there is frequently only room for hate in your heart, and in your mind there is only room for thoughts of vengeance and retribution. These emotions of hate, vengeance and retribution can become so strong, that they consume and transform you into the very thing you despise; a murderer of innocents. Who justifies and rationalizes terrible deeds, in the name of retribution. You are first a victim of a monster murderer, and then your hare and vengeance consume you and transform you.
  • And your children, and your children’s children pay the price of being the descendant of monsters. A life filled with violence and death. As vengeance spreads from person to person, consuming lives, creating more hate, vengeance and retribution.
  • How can we stop this cycle of madness?
    Turn on the light in the darkness
    Choose forgiveness over vengeance
    Create peace instead of war.

Light, Peace and Forgiveness.

  • These are very difficult things to do.
  • Adults may not do it for themselves, but maybe they can do it for their children.
  • These words I pray, Father God, who claims the sole right to vengeance, end all conflicts and convince the adults to embrace forgiveness and create peace. If not for themselves, for their own children.





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