Notes from the UK

I was going to write a serious piece about the UK elections but I’ll be honest I’m absolutely bored by the whole thing.

Firstly the election result was a given, with ridiculous odds given to a Labour victory. Basically, the incumbent Tories of 14 years had a collapse in their vote. Indeed it has been their worst drubbing in their entire 200 year history.

With a first past the post system this gave a victory to the Labour Party despite winning less votes then in the last election. In a poll 48% of Labour voters stated they were doing so in order to oust the Tories, that's how unpopular the Tories have become.

Predictably Farage did well and Reform were the main beneficiaries of the Tory collapse. Although securing 4 million votes the UK's first past the post system meant this only translated to 4 seats.

Meme byRose Smith

Some independents, notably Jeremy Corbyn, won seats. This was down to a number of independents standing on a Pro-Palestinian stance in Muslim heavy areas.

Unfortunately this did not include George Galloway, who only just won the seat last year in a bye-election.

The Greens did well quadrupling their seats from 1 to 4. They made the tactical decision to put all their resources into fighting just these four seats and it got results for them. In many places they beat the Tories to second place.

Meanwhile there was 100 Heinz varieties of tiny left wing groups (radical left) who got barely any votes.

That pretty much sums it up.

The NHS was the number one issue. Sunak promised to cut waiting list times – he failed. Kier Starmer is also making promises to cut waiting times, give junior doctors a pay rise, employ thousands more staff.

NHS clap for Key workers during the plandemic

Starmer has said on places like the BBC that in order to survive the NHS must reform and that nothing is off the table. That he is in favour of privatising the NHS may come as a shock to those who don’t pay attention to the details.


Starmer is making lots of promises whilst at the same time states no tax increases. So where is the money coming from?? The UK is bankrupt and electing the Labour Party isn’t going to change that. No, people just wanted to see an end to the Tories.

Labour are also pledging to implement what readers here will recognise as the UN’s Agenda 30 programme. Sustainable energy investment dovetails nicely when you look at the top donors to the Labour Party and see it includes a number of “green” energy companies.


Unlike 1997 when Tony Blair won a landslide victory the world economy is not booming. Like most Western nations the British economy took a huge battering due to lockdowns etc. Add to that the estimated £100 billion lost due to Brexit and the UK’s financial status looks to be teetering on bankruptcy. Our main trading partner is Europe and most countries are hurting there too.

Sunak did promise to bring inflation down to 2%. This one has been achieved, although food is still increasing.

Having a change in the guard after such a long time and with such a commanding majority of over 200 the British population is willing at this moment in time to give them a chance to see what they can do. When they fail Farage is waiting in the wings just like Marine Le Pen.

Changing of the Guard at Buckingham Palace. Photo

Personally I didn’t vote. I’ve said I think its all an illusion. Our country is run (like the world is run) by the richest oligarchs and through Public Private Partnerships. As democracy widened in the twentieth century the ruling class had to lean on propaganda ever more heavily to influence (manipulate) populations.


The no voters like me, about 40%, are stating with our apathy that we don’t want any of the above. So I’m bored of the endless coverage of who won what and which prominent Tories lost their seats. I believe it was the lowest turn out for a General Election in decades.

In an interview one non-voter stated;

It’s like trying to pick which kind of STD [sexually transmitted disease] you want.

There is a central problem at the heart of our “demockery” and that is propaganda and the accompaniment of censorship. Whilst the majority of the population have proven themselves to be susceptible to the propaganda and I will admit the progressive left have been no exception. When the Centre is lying it is no wonder that populism attracts votes.


Farage has been in trouble for stating the West provoked Putin. Most readers here know that that is indeed the case. He was also opposed to bombing Iraq, Libya and Syria pointing to how actions there have led to mass immigration. Further he was opposed to the plandemic measures. The Labour Party are as big at warmongering as the Democrats across the ocean. Not a left wing stance in my view. They are also Pro-Zionist, again not a left wing stance.


I won’t vote for Farage because there are too many of his views that I am against. His party stokes up nationalism and the attendant racism which is an ugly side to this country and a legacy of Empire. He has also been accused of sexism and anti-trans views. None of which sits well with me.

I've become a political atheist! This low turnout represents increasing disillusion, disdain and anger, and I wonder if the same will be reflected in the US elections or will Trump supporters make a difference there?

I think this disillusion will only grow after this Labour Government because it will be without doubt a government of crisis. We don’t call them the second eleven for nothing.


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