A Programmers Rant

I just want to start that I graduated in Bachelors of Science in Information Technology Major in Programming. But this doesnt mean shit in the programming world. Many people who doesn't even have any Computer Science Degree are good at it. I would say I'm below average when it comes to programming but I don't care coz it's my passion. It's like being a masochist where I love it so much when my brain starts to hurt just by thinking how to make this thing work or solving problems.

Now lets start ranting shall we?

Earlier this morning, I was so stressed that this one line of code is giving me such a fucking hard time. I was looking at that piece of code for 4 hours since 6AM in the morning. So I said to myself maybe I need a little break to cool off my overheated brain. So I went to one of my favorite channels in discord just reading through the chats of strangers and then suddenly one guy said.

Hey can't we just make our own API so that we will not pay for the API anymore. Programming is so easy so I bet we can make it if we wanted to.

When I saw that I just went ballistic. I showered the channel like there was no tommorow. I may not be good at programming but heck I'm very confident in my typing speed. I was like

The hell programming is easy you asshole, I'm here stuck for 4 hours just trying to figure out how to get out of the error that the program I'm making is giving me and you say its easy?.

I showered the channel with all the foul language I can think of aiming at him. Some people even said to give me a chance to rebuttal and I was like

He doesn't deserve a rebuttal for saying such stupidity

Seriously these kind of people make me sick. There I was stuck in a single line of code giving me error for hours and he just cassually says its so easy. I told him if it was so easy then why the fuck do you need us to help you make it huh? I saw someone selling his code for an API for $500 dollars. If it was so easy then I'll probably make a fortune selling codes. He just went shut and didn't even have the chance to rebuttal. After I calmed down I was like poor guy, and I was somewhat felt ashamed by lashing at him over a few words but something deep inside of me thinks that I did the right thing. That's what you get for looking down at programming and programmers.

Some people think of Computer Science Degree students as having a very easy life, just typing things in the computer blah blah blah and just knowing how to run/fix a computer. The funniest thing of all is when someone in your family says:

You're an IT guy right? Can you fix my Television? Refrigerator? Washing Machine? Aircon?

Like hell I know how to fix those things. You guys need to see a doctor like this instant and have your brain fixed. Not even all IT guys knows how to fix a computer coz there are two major parts of the IT degree. One is software/programmers and hardware/technicians. And even those two majors have so many sub major parts. Not all programmers/technicians are the same that is all I'm saying but people seem to just casually think that any computer related degree is easy.

Its like there is a huge streotyping going on with IT professionals. Some people even haggle for IT services to the point that its almost free. I just wish people would learn to respect the hard work we programmers do to make life easier. Especially in todays standards where people would most probably die without technology.

Respect begets respect. I only acted that way coz I think he deserved it

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