My countrymen elected a thief, a son of a dictator as president


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To be blunt about it, I've never been this invested in politics until this recent election. I am that one kid in a sea of student activists who paid less attention to politics back in college despite being part of a socio-political student-led organization. Why? First, because politics is dirty. You don't know how dirty it can get here in my country. It seems like Niccolò Machiavelli is everyone's mentor in all the wrong ways. And second, it kept repeating itself, sadly this time again.

My sullen apathy could be traced back to all the moments the 11-year-old Pat sat in front of the tiny, old television and watched people in power get away with every single charge from plunder, to tax evasion, to graft and corruption, to name a few. All it took was a broken neck and connections, connections with those who are in power. People could be enemies now and friends later all in the name of survival. There's no such thing as sticking to one set of values; people befriend whoever could give them the power to rule. Told you, it's dirty. And as a Filipino, I am not proud of it. 💔

But this election was the turning point. After a few weeks that outgoing Vice President Leni Robredo announced her Presidential race, I thought we finally had that one rare opportunity we've all been waiting to come. A chance for more inclusive growth, for accountable and reliable government, for a transparent leader. I didn't just end up loving Leni for no reason or for hate for other candidates. If people could've only listened to her without mocking her because she's a just woman, if they could've critically read her platform one by one, if they could've opened their hearts to the endless possibilities of positive changes her administration could offer, maybe we could've done better as a nation yesterday. For months, VP Leni's volunteer-led nation-wide campaign flourished like blossoming roses in a wild forest and it sparked hopes in our hearts that we are finally nearing a new era, a new dawn not perfect but better than what we've all been getting in the last six (6) years or so. But as they say, we missed our chance. We missed the last train.

The last 22 hours have been disheartening. It felt like breaking up with my first love all over again. You know that kind of pain that may heal on the surface but may never truly fade in time. That's the kind of pain each and every supporter of VP Leni feels now. My circles have been crying since last night and staring at walls like they don't exist, some even took a day off just to let the frustrations pass. We are all heart broken not because Leni lost the fight, but because the Philippines lost its chance to redeem itself once and for all.

We fought a fight for the underrepresented, the marginalized, the commoners, a fight to restore people's trust in democracy. We fought the good fight until the end. And in another life, I'd gladly and proudly do the same. For now, the majority has spoken and they crowned a thief! What a ridiculous sight to behold!

I've tried figuring out why people wanted the dictator's son on the seat, but things don't sum up just yet. Well, I guess I have 6 years to figure that out. At the moment this community helped me in dealing with my disappointment and frustrations which are now over-the-top.

What happens next? You, the world will be watching. I hope you don't watch us march on the streets again. Else, find me there! 💪

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