Bored with Society's Inertia in Awareness

The more time goes on the less I feel able to relate to other people and what they are talking about. So many masks have come off of me and I am tearing more down daily, isolating old concepts and antiquated norms to live by and then throwing them out. And it's funny when on travels I meet other people and then hear them talk. What is important to them? What invisible beliefs do they hold? What are the tenets of their world view?


When I spot one of the honeypots of modern indoctrination I can quickly gauge the resulting assumptions that follow in their mental cascade (because it is not their own, and can be studied by anyone researching).

There is, for example, a common pattern I see on travels. If I meet other "tourists" in a van with a limited time to travel before they go back to their "comfortable" life in "Germany"... they tend to behave like advertisements for a corrupt and unaware way of life. And it saddens me because they have no idea they are doing it. They behave like everyone in Germany behaves, even now that they are somewhere else where that systemic propaganda is toned down massively.

It saddens me because here are living breathing people, intelligent vortexes of conscious energy trying to figure out their life and what is important to them. We all want the best out of life! The sad part is the actual truths and discoveries are buried under remarkable amounts of lies, deceptions and contemporary norms that soak into everything we do or consider.

When a topic comes up that resembles anything outside the 'normal' way to see things - hostility is usually the result. Hostility at me for suggesting the holy cow may have to be slaughtered. The system's self-protecting measures to keep its unwitting agents in line. And these agents keeping each other in line without knowing it.

I have grown largely bored of it, more than anything.

I would love to have an open-minded, evidence based discussion with someone but all too often it leads into a heated debate of regurgitating system talking points everyone believes in but few have tested for their actual validity... rather than a mutual effort to find out what is true. It doesn't matter how often the system pundits have lied to us, we can somehow still not make the leap to reconsider everything, even if only for the purpose of being thorough, nope! "It can't be what must not be!"


Where I used to go into stark debate, trying to convince others of the things I found out I kept running into walls. Can't argue with a fanatic, especially when the fanatic doesn't know he is one. Today I see that I myself was the fanatic back then when I started to question things around me, societal norms, history, everything. I may have played on different playing field intellectually (referencing the "facts" I was aware of when the other side was not)... but emotionally, I went right down to the level of "arguing" (violence) the system is so hellbent on. And on that playing field I lose.

Naturally I pissed people off that way. I have dared to slur their holy cow and boy would I pay for it! And I can't even blame them today. I get it now. I grew wiser through that. And I am grateful for it.

So now when I meet someone who parrots some of the same old systemic lies we have been fed in Germany and the West I grow not emotional but booooooooooored. God it's so boring. People reciting provably false system propaganda with a smirk on their face suggesting I had been living under a rock is both arrogant and sad. But understandable of course. I feel for them and for their level of involvement with a false cult and I wish them all the best.

Everything I say will then be filtered and "decoded" in a way that complies with the system indoctrination.

Politics for example is boring to me, a laughable and dusty old stupid TV show in season 3832: The faces always change but the basic premise remains the same. Division and distraction, dressed up as serious undertaking for the betterment of all!

I find it boring not because there aren't remarkable things to be discovered there (within and without that construct), but because what people mean when they talk about politics is just such a surface level preoccupation with nonsense. It is irrelevant, fully and utterly. Mental masturbation really. It is a waste of both the people's attention and their drive to find solutions to problems.

It is an energetic trap.

The funny thing is that were I to say that "politics is boring" there is an automatic cascade of assumptions and stigmas conjured up in the other individual. I can see it in their face, in the way the conversation continues. "Politics is boring" triggers assumptions like "you don't care about other people cause if you did you would be interested".
Because the dogma is "you have to be interested in politics or else you are part of the problem".

It bores me because I see they have not done any homework on their part, if they had they would ask more informed questions. It is like arguing with a 4 year old.

It doesn't matter that the party system is structurally designed to alienate people from one another and establish division. That compromise to the effect of stagnation is the logical net result of a party system based on separation. That influence can and has been bought in such a system and can therefore never be truly "democratic". That the so-called "politicians" are neither trustworthy nor ethically sound, nor have any actual competency in their field of occupation. The whole basis of natural law is completely absent from such a frame as well but most people have never heard that term in school (and therefore nowhere unless they do their own research). I can go on forever about the political system today ahahahha.

The very idea that it is somehow right and prudent to delegate my authority over my neighbor (which I of course don't have) to someone else, to then somehow make it legal for that chosen authority to harass my neighbor with its arbitrary statutes called "laws"... is a crime. It is a mafia structure elevated to public acceptance. And everybody complies.

Politics is dated and completely beside the point when it comes to factual problem solving and we witness it every day - it just doesn't seem to register through all the programming!

They ask me to agree on this or that political figure or statement and I keep thinking: "Come on! Do your damn homework already! We don't have all eternity to figure this out. The world is burning in parts, and our wallets, the minds of our kids and our hearts are under attack every day because people are too lazy and scared to question their society's mantras! Get the basics sorted and then we can talk about politics! But few ever do... few I meet anyways.


But the universe seems to patient, more patient than I anyways. I find it remarkable how long this waking up process is taking and how slow it moves into actual expression. But what do I know?! I am currently just a human being, watching it all unfold. Maybe this is "fast" in the grand scheme of things ahahaha.

I still have no idea what the truth is, but I have seen through a million lies in recent decades. And it made life more wonderful! More exciting. Everything is open and has to be rediscovered without the murky filters of manipulated society indoctrination by the power structure(s). I hope people will want to become more aware and find the catch in anything, otherwise the catch will find them in the end and... punish them for their ignorance and naivete.

And part of me would like people to be spared, at least those who can still come out of the indoctrination with a few bruises but ok!

While I want to do everything in my power to make the world a better place, I feel I have started to work more and more with those on the fence; people who are ready to grow in their understanding, regardless where they are at. I can't and won't help individuals who claim to know everything already, individuals caged inside mental chains they mistook as attire.


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