Alright mind! It's you and me, let's do this!


I used to listen to the part of the mind that says I cannot do it. Even when I take myself to the limit and then - often I would link into it and believe in some kind of superstitious procrastination - thinking this was my flow and I needed to slow down. Now, running over 13 events in three months - that part of the mind - I respectfully put it in a little corner, maybe a playpen if you will - a place for it to continue being what it is and I go on to create limitlessly.

I've learned it's not possible to stop these parts of the mind - they are aspects of the whole that have a valid expression and experience. So forcing them to do anything just suppresses them.

As result - it's like having a TV going in the other room - playing a movie I don't particularly want to see - but I can have some peace. 😆

When I focus on what I am doing entirely - with no distraction because all of my energy is engaged - the noise disappears.

It then tells me - ok - I have to allow these parts a little place here and there to have balance.

Alright mind, I will deliberately relax sometimes for you - I will deliberately go to the beach or nature - I will deliberately sleep well or treat my body right. I will do some things deliberately for you.

Nothing really ever changes - nothing can be made to do anything - everything has a place. We get better at aligning things where they need to go.

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