Endless Struggle

I don't know how I am doing but I am doing, I don't know how I will be doing but I need to do it. Do what? Things that are on my shoulder, I don't wanna discuss how they end up but I know that those are some mandatory things to do, I could have avoided them but it might not have looked so pleasing as of now. It's just me who understands the struggle behind its beauty, It's only me.

I seriously admire my, “I don't know how I am going to do it, but imma get it done” ability.
-saw it on theamazingwriters insta page.


📸 DJ Johnson

If I go over a debate with myself over the steps I had taken, it might lead to conflicts, but the ultimate fact is that who has seen the future? None. So you never know what's coming ahead of you. The best is to calculate the present and possible positive outcomes and move ahead with the faith of the Almighty. Because He never leaves you alone, and for the good intentions, I have complete faith in Him.

So far, everything seems good, no obstacle, but the coming days are pretty struggling. In fact, it's here, it's just me who's not realizing in the real-time scenario. But in the broader picture from the past, present, and possible future turning off this seems scary, worth getting tensed. But the faith in the Almighty and the mindset that I will get past it anyhow is what makes me stand straight.

Life is mysterious, you never know how things get messed up, for good, better, or for the worst. It's better to stay prepared, in my case, I will fall short if the worst hits me, already the bad is coming towards me and I somehow managed to save my back, but for how long?

Its only me who knows the sacrifices I am making, it's only me who knows how far it can go, it's only me who is determined to see the end of it, obviously with a smile. What's the use of an end where the endless struggles mean nothing? It's better to not work for something like that, I just hope not to see something like that. Sleepless nights hit hard, it's not like I haven't had them before but the reason and situation was far more different and easier than this.

I don't know if I was renting or not throughout the whole post or spitting out the thoughts that I have piled up. Reaching the conclusion I am feeling that I was frustrated with all the stuffs I had written down. So it goes here but remember, I haven't kneeled down, I know there is a better ending, just waiting for that working towards.

Have a great day,

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