A Simply Spoiled Day!

There should have been a meter to test how much stress we are going through right now, mental stress or tension!! We measure sugar levels, heartbeats, fever, and whatnot. Why can't we measure the stress level in real-time with some easy process like the others?

Right now, my head is feeling like it will burst, throughout the whole day it went through some excessive mental trauma that started with a fight over a silly matter. We all want comfort but at what cost? Won't you think about the comfort of the person sacrificing his comfort for you? Some people are too blind to see this, I get clueless about how to handle them when the person in front of me is just blind.

📸 Constantin Popp

You know what, after lunch, I took some rest with a view to working on my scheduled tasks. Out of nowhere, a silly matter from the past appeared before us. I too have a bad habit of overreacting when I see something out of place, I start reacting aggressively, The same thing happened, and things got worse, but by the time I realized the damage it was too late, and I still managed it somehow. One hour in the evening went well and then another topic popped up related to that, and the drama started again. I went mad once again and it continued throughout the whole night and my phone died. Thanks to Almighty for this perfect timing.

Oh wait, I didn't cut communication in the middle of a heated situation., I gave warnings that I would go disconnected as I don't have the battery, and need to charge my phone. I tried to settle the situation before going as much as I could and then stepped away and plugged in the charger.

It's really weird when we see that for the person we crave so hard to get close, we thrive for the distance we achieve due to such matters. I just really pray and hope that these don't create any permanent scar or any damage to the overall relationship as that is not wanted by any means, never ever. The temporary cutoff works like a healer on the cut we get usually.

As I often say, I rush to Hive to say the unknown words that my heart often seeks to express. Like I don't want to involve anybody in our matters, interference of 3rd person never solves any disputes. In the first place, it may seem to be worked out pretty well but in the long run, it does more damage than it heals. Just an example, you and your close person would surely forget one disputer after a week or months, will be having new ones and forgetting the past ones on a regular basis. What if you add a 3rd person? That person won't forget but rather will start to form an impression based on the disputes that women fade away but will spread from one to the other which will ultimately have a negative impact on you guys. So, for me, this is the place to vent out the unspoken words in a harmless way.

Have a great day, pray for us,
Take Care!!

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