Where Hive abusers belong

I don't normally rant about anything on Hive as it is what it is. It's not perfect, but many of us try to make it a better place. Sadly there's always some who see differently. This is where you guys belong


Rant 1 - someone stole from our community account
Some years ago in the old world a few of us had a project to promote Chinese poetry. It was a very tough but rewarding project as we (I ) had to translate the poetry to English, then the others did a video with original animation and music to present the poetry. It was very time consuming and we stopped after a few months. The account was left inactive and each of us got on with our lives, most of them off the chain. A few months ago, I was checking out the community account and noticed someone had powered down and transferred all the fund out from both Steem and Hive.



I messaged the project leader but he didn't respond till yesterday. He knew nothing about it as he hasn't been active. When he checked he saw one of his own projects was also hacked, 500 Steem and over 700 Hive was stolen. Both these two project accounts were powered down on the same day.

Personally (touch wood) I've never been hacked, so this is extremely annoying as it's perhaps the closest I've come to it. Luckily, the amount, 164 Steem and 251 Hive isn't a lot especially when there's 5 or 6 of us in the team. Perhaps the person who stole our funds was about to go homeless or needed an emergency operation otherwise he or she would have died.

Rant 2 is about abusing the Pinmapple map. I've been involved in Pinmapple since its inception over 4 years ago. If you don't know, when people create travel content on Hive they can pin it on Pinmapple and create their personal Hive travel map. Last year alone, over 1300 users pinned over 15000 post on the map. So we're pretty popular on Hive in case you haven't heard 😉

Anyway, with popularity inevitably comes abuse, and here's a story about one. There is a user who is well travelled and has nearly 2000 pins on Pinmapple. Considering that Pinmapple started less than four and a half years ago ie roughly 1500 days ago, that means on average the user has pinned 1.3 posts on Pinmapple every day since we started. Depending on how you look at it, you can say the user is either a massive fan of Pinmapple or a prolific spammer.

Screenshot (23).png

Anyway, today I was checking the Pinmapple map, and noticed this user pinned 120 post on exactly the same spot in Thailand. Then I dug deeper and found the user had pinned many pins on exactly the same spot in other places around the world. I mean I get it some people break up a travel post to a few posts because the travel experience is so awesome. And some people stay at a location for a long time and have lots to share. But pinning it at exactly the same spot? That's just abusing the Pinmapple map.

120 pins in Thailand
146 pins in Thailand
43 pins in Thailand
21 pins in Vietnam
65 pins in Czech
29 pins on Ukraine
15 pins in Northern Ireland

This particular user has been milking the chain for years with low quality content but since I met him in person during SteemFest, I'm not going to name him to give him that little bit of respect that he doesn't really deserve.

Rant 3 is also about abuse on Pinmapple, plagiarism to be specific. The reason I'm particularly annoyed this time is because I dropped the ball and didn't catch it even though it was right under my nose 😡 The fact it happened in my community is even more annoying,

Recently a brand new user joined Hive and posted in the haveyoubeenhere and pinmapple community immediately. The user was well travelled, his content was very good and images were awesome. As usual I was a bit sceptical at first, and asked him to include his Hive link to his Instagram profile which they did.


Normally I will check out every post from new users especially when it's too good to be true. Unfortunately I've been quite busy IRL recently and dropped the ball. Last night, someone told me they found one of the user's image on the web. We dug around a bit more, and found a lot more plagiarism in pretty much every of his recent post. Here's the source I found on just one of his post.


All the user's post have been nuked now. He hasn't responded at all or made a comment explaining anything. He'e even removed his Hive link from his Instagram profile today. Sign of guilt because he's been outed now?

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